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ID3Tags Encodings

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dj doo!
Registered Member

ID3Tags Encodings

Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:23 am
Hi everyone!
I m using amarok since 1.1 version and I had no problem with the ID3 tags encodings, but today I installed the new 1.4SVN version (very satisfied with the new stuff) and I discovered that the encodings options were missing from the general options tab!!! As a result all my greek tabbed songs had very strange characters in my collection! I can\'t understand anything! I cannot choose the CP 1253 codepage now because there is no option anymore!! Please do something and put the encodings configuration back in the official version 1.4!:woohoo:
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KDE Developer

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:58 am
Use a tool (like Easytag) to convert your tags to ID3-V2.

Mark Kretschmann - Amarok Developer
dj doo!
Registered Member

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:39 pm
Where can I find that easytag you say?:blink:
dj doo!
Registered Member

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:42 pm
I found easytag but things are not that nice!!!! PUT THE ENCODINGS OPTIONS BACK PLEASE!!!:evil:

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Sun Feb 19, 2006 8:29 pm
I must agree that the encoding options were rather useful. I had no problems with previous versions, and I don\'t want to convert tags of gigabytes of my russian music collection, especially if I don\'t have any other problems with them. Guess I\'ll have to downgrade, but I hope that the devs will hear us out and put those options back, because everything else works nicer in 1.4

Thank You
Sergei Danilov

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:51 am
I\'ve also found, that in the amarok-1.4 beta there\'s no way to change the preferred non Unicode encoding ((

Feature to choose non-unicode encoding was a simply perfect in 1.3 series,
cause my music travels beetwen m$ <->linux machines and i have no way to perform reencoding everytime I want to transfer my music on M$ machines of my friends.

I hope, dev_team will hear us and get this feature back

Best regards,
Sergei Danilov

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:48 pm
My 2cents here. I downgraded to 1.3 because of missing encoding.
dj doo!
Registered Member

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:47 am
The news are not satisfing me with the beta2 of 1.4 version because there is not the encodings options either here!!! There are some good bugfixes but the encodings of the tags is a basic problem and that easytag program just sucks!!! So the problem remains!:angry:
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Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:53 am
The encoding of tags IS the basic problem. It shouldn\'t be necessary to do, it restricts tags to id3v1, causes loads of problems in the database and is all around bad.
dj doo!
Registered Member

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:27 am
Yes, but here in Greece we have an enormous problem because there are 2 greek codepages!!!! In Linux we use the ISO 8859-7 codepage 737 and if you write a tag ,even an ID3 v2 tag, with that codepage then if you use an MS operational and lets say Media Player as something equal to amarok you get the absolute CHAOS!! The characters are all wrong!! Because those idiots who work for the awful MS use the CP 1253 codepage which is created by them!!:evil: So if you would like to play the greek files in another PC which has only Win XP for example you are DOOMED!!! Now I hope you folks can understand my problem!:dry:

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:10 pm
In Poland we have the same problem: 2 encodings CP1250 and ISO 8859-2. I have all my mp3\'s tagged with MS encoding and there\'s no sense in changing the encoding because I also use MS Media Player sometimes. Now I don\'t see national characters and it looks just ugly. I hope this feature will be restored. I don\'t want to downgrade because there were problems with very high cpu usage when using context browser :/
Registered Member

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:41 am
I have just the same problem with 1.4.

I am a Chinese. So you should not be surprised to see the mess of the tags\' encoding that I have. \'cause there are at least GB2312(CP936), GB18030, BIG5, UTF, and the MS made GBK for encoding Chinese characters.

In 1.3x, i was fine with GB18030, who has the biggest charset. But now, I\'ve no idea what to do.

really thinking of downgrade......

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:21 am
We have 4 encodings used in Lituania iso-8859-4, iso-8859013, windows-1257 and utf-8. Some works on DOS and WIndows, some on Windows and Linux, some only on Linux. Big mess. We hade these problems for ages not only in mp3 tags, but in email encoding too.

So one day I decided to do pain-staking job – I started to convert hundreds of gigs of my music to utf-8. During one year I managed to change about 80% of my collection. Now I do not have any problems with amaroK-1.4. I can see all my lithuanian, polish, greek and russian tags correctly.

Windows doesn\'t work correctly with utf-8 yet, but it is just a question of time.
dj doo!
Registered Member

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:36 pm
Hey folks I think I have good news! I made an experiment yesterday, I had used that easytag program to convert my ID3 v1 tags to v2 in the past but although I tried hard nothing happened! So I tried something different yesterday... I started the other operating system (I think you can understand what I mean) after a lot of months, and I used winamp to see if my greek songs have an ID3 v2 tag as easytag showed me, and I was surpised to see that none of them had!!!!:evil: So I copied the content from v1 to v2 and removed the v1 tag from some specific songs. Then I started Mandriva:) and ran Amarok. I was very happy to see that at those specific tracks everything was fine both with Amarok and with Media Player (in the other operational sys)!!!!!!B) Maybe that\'s the solution to copy the tag content to v2 tag and remove v1!!;) REVOLUTION!!!
dj doo!
Registered Member

Re:ID3Tags Encodings

Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:54 pm
I have also something to suggest! Winamp has a very nice and useful feature about the tags! It shows both ID3 v1 and v2 tags of a song and you can write, remove or create each of them separetely and also you can see from which type do you get your song info! So I say now not to return to the previous versions encodings options but to go one step further and make a like winamp form of filling the tags with the both tags system and maybe to add a reliable and easy to use converter from v1 to v2 tags, not like that easytag!! What do you think about those stuff?B) :


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