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Amarok1.4 beta1 and my first impressions

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- lyrics : amarok now asks to install a script to enable this feature, the only one I\'ve found in the scripts list is for lyriki and no one to get back to I found the later more complete and woud like to use it again (i\'ve added quite a lot of new lyrics on it, don\'t want to do it twice)

- when listening, in the context tab there is now only 3 tabs (Music, lyric, artist), there is no more the global tab which was usefull. Argh even when not listening there is no more global tab ! Only the most recently played, I used \"most played\" and \"most recently added\" (
raw translation i\'m using the french version) even when already listening to a file. The stats menu item isn\'t an equivalent.

- it\'s still impossible for me to delete or re-organize the radio streams

- at first start the right panel showed nothing, it was impossible to resize the panels, there was not control button (play/pause/etc). Once restarted all these problems are gone.

- the config windows is to big for the screen, making the button \"apply\" offscreen but that\'s a kwin bug I\'ve often and may report if not already done :)

I\'ve been using amarok for a quite a long time now but when I booted this version I didn\'t felt at home like with the previous versions. But amarok is the only app active during all my sessions so it may explains why some little changes can have an earthquake\'s effect on me :)
I\'ve just seen that we can now save the lyrics into the tags of the file, it would be cool if by using the lyric tab the text would be automaticly saved.
Raymond \"Rayeh\" Dubisky
Check tools > statistics for some neat statistical stuff.
As I as said in my first post, I don\'t consider it to be an equivalent of the previous state because it add a step to get the info. Yeah I know that in less than a week I will have forgotten about but that was my first impression :)
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KDE Developer
JRM wrote:
- lyrics : amarok now asks to install a script to enable this feature, the only one I\'ve found in the scripts list is for lyriki and no one to get back to I found the later more complete and woud like to use it again (i\'ve added quite a lot of new lyrics on it, don\'t want to do it twice)

Uhm. Two scripts come bundled with amaroK 1.4: "Lyrics: Lyrc", and "Lyrics: Astraweb". So there you have your Lyrc support.

- it\'s still impossible for me to delete or re-organize the radio streams

Cool-Streams is not meant to be modified. It\'s like factory defaults. You can add your own streams to the playlist browser.

Mark Kretschmann - Amarok Developer
markey > these 2 scripts don\'t show up in the script manager I had when i launched amarok 1.4, it\'s surely something I should talk about with my distrib packager (mandriva cooker).

for the cool streams i don\'t understand the default behaviour, I do listen to mostly classical and secret agent and having to browse the whole list when you don\'t remember their exact position is for me a waste of time. I just whish I could put them in a different directory.
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JRM wrote:
markey > these 2 scripts don\'t show up in the script manager I had when i launched amarok 1.4, it\'s surely something I should talk about with my distrib packager (mandriva cooker).

Alternatively, if you\'re upgrading from a previous version of amarok, backup/delete your ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/ directory (making sure you BACK IT UP if you don\'t want to lose your albumcovers and sqlite database)

for the cool streams i don\'t understand the default behaviour, I do listen to mostly classical and secret agent and having to browse the whole list when you don\'t remember their exact position is for me a waste of time. I just whish I could put them in a different directory.

if you\'re REALLY desperate, you could search your system for Cool-Streams.xml (on my gentoo installation it\'s /usr/kde/3.5/share/apps/amarok/data/Cool-Streams.xml )
Open it in a text editor, grab the relevent sections you want to keep and stick them in a custom playlist you can load.

"There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works."
If men could get pregnant, we'd learn the true meaning of "screaming nancyboy wuss"
dangle_wtf> thank! it has been done and these script still don\'t appear, report will be made to the packager
since there is no hardware mixer amarok became just piece of ****:angry:
Are talking about the mixer which you can access by right-cliking on the volume bar ?
about \"use hardware mixer\" option, which isn\'t available since 1.3-beta3 release;

since this release sound is extremely quiet even i use aumix or alsamixer to make it louder, there is no power.
i can\'t see the \"Home\" tab in \"Context\". Is this is removed in new version?
i can\'t see the "Home" tab in "Context". Is this is removed in new version?

Quoting the changelog: "The Home tab has been merged into the Current tab, now called Music".

Anyway, I really miss my "Home" tab, since it always was a good and quick start (especially with the newest and least played songs), just a fast, nice and not too complex overview. The rest is fine with me, it blows me away like every new Amarok release. ;-)
I just tried 1.4beta1 as well. Here are my first impressions :
For the good things:
* the collection scanner doesn\'t freeze amarok anymore. What a relief!
* the home tab (which apparently some people miss) is finally gone (I never used it), making the UI cleaner
* no more ipod centric
* \"play entire album\" feature. Maybe it was there before, I had never noticed it. And I hate listening to single songs.
For the bad things:
* \"lyrics \" tab gives a choice of scripts, and doesn\'t choose one by default. For a first time user I believe it can be pretty confusing (it\'s very likely he will have no idea as to what a \"script to get lyrics\" is)
* that\'s it...

Overall, the UI is cleaner and simpler (not many things changed, but they matter), and quite a few other things have been added : amarok just keeps getting better and better!
Well, you are right: Just having one bar less makes the UI cleaner - but maybe we can have the old statistics from the \"Home\" tab in the new \"Music\" tab when no track is currently playing? If I want to see which songs I recently played, I go to! ;P


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