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bring back ipod podcasts!

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bring back ipod podcasts!

Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:36 am
As a keen user of amarok svn for a while, I had gotten used to being able to file downloaded podcasts under the podcasts section of my iPod. After upgrading to the recent beta to get some stability, it seems the feature has gone!

I know that you aren\'t using libpod anymore, but would it be possible to have this returned for 1.4? i\'m sure me and other ipod users would find it extremely useful.
Martin Aumueller
KDE Developer

Re:bring back ipod podcasts!

Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:45 pm
Last time I tried, podcasts were still filed below \'Podcasts\' on my iPod. And we still use libgpod for handling ipods.

However, if you just drag your podcasts from the playlist browser tab to the media device browser tab, then you won\'t have them filed as podcasts, because then the additional info does not get communicated.

How did you try to add your podcasts? How can we reproduce your problem?


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