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Controlling \'random\' songs

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Controlling \'random\' songs

Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:57 pm
I recently discovered amarok, and love it to bits. However, when I choose to have a random playlist, it tends to skew towards artists who I have lots of tracks for. I can understand this, but when I pick a random playlist, I prefer it to be more, well \'random\'. If I wanted to listen mainly to one artist I wouldn\'t be choosing a random playlist.

I\'d like to request an option to control the way random tracks are picked. I guess at the moment, it\'s a random track from the pool of all available tracks. It would be nice if you could choose the way a random track was selected e.g.:

Track - the current method
Artist/Track - First a random artsist is selected, then one of their tracks is added to the playlist. This would stop the skew towards artists with lots of tracks in a collection (until you have played lots of tracks of course)
Genre/Track - Same as above but first pick a genre from those in the collection, then a track from that genre.

For ultimate flexibility, give the user the option to choose which fields to use to narrow down the selection.

Does this sound like a good idea? Or do I just have a relatively small collection of music that\'s skewed to one artist? (I\'ve only got 627 tracks, with one artist having 187 of those - but that one keeps hogging \'random\' playlists.

Re:Controlling \'random\' songs

Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:29 pm
I agree with you because I have the same problem: 2700 songs in my collection but the 200+ songs of the Beatles make them appearing too often in random playlist. I love Beatles but I would also like to ear as often the others artists.


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