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The Developers are GodZ !!!!!

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The Developers are GodZ !!!!!

Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:20 am
I have used xine for a while now for its alsa support, but I heard that gstreamer is good too, i have configged in past, yes i am fluent english . lol

but seriously, AmaroK is so far ahead of every media player on the market, u guys are too freaking wicked. the internal iPod support is genius. The slickest, badass player. I am using the 1.4 beta on Mandrake - uugh - eeva 10.2 cooker and so far its been smooth on x 6.9 and I have to say I was dubious what with the kde 3.5 probs i have had in the past, but the new interface, especially the playlist options are just spectacular. If trolltech ever wake up u cld rule the planet.

Viva la revolucion. Long Live Linux.or GNU/Linux or whatever.

It really is a shame that the majority of the planet is unable to experience what a joy AmaroK makes ones music collection. As a programmer turned user I have to extend much gratitude for all your efforts, you have truly raised the bar for media player excellence. I just wish that the mozilla foundation would realise that the future is KDE and not GTK.Well I like gtkpod even though after the sys upgrade the wait for a dialog box is close to 15 sec. well yes i know that is completetly unrelated - but is nonetheless an incredibly annoying gnome

sometimes i find the dynamic playlist uncanny in its blend of recently played and more obscure yet well loved tracks, and uugghh. ya. when i dual boot into windows itunes keeps insisting that i upgrade my ipod to remove gpld video from working on their cash cow, the swine.

peace to everybody, it looks bleak now, but the pendulum swings and uggh we and can only try and swing too.


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