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3 to 4 feature requests

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Hristo Ivanov

3 to 4 feature requests

Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:31 pm
I\'ve posted this in the bugzilla, because someone in the irc #amarok channel said that there it would be read by most of the developers, but.. all i got was an \"invalid\" resolution to the bug and no comments at all. I would like the developers to make some comments on my thoughts, and, if possible, to implement some/all of them.
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Well, i\'ll just start.
**) some words for the panels
1) The statistics page
It is confusing the way that statistics are handled in the new 1.4 betas. ALSO, i think that it is somewhat confusing in the earlier versions, too. (The statistics page i mean, the other statistics are fine). Why:
First of all, it is not customizable. I want, for example, to display not the LAST 5 items, but to be able to tell amarok how much songs to display AND (which is done in the betas in some cryptic combo) to be able to tell what \"recent\" means (3 days for example).
Second: In the betas the statistics are split (bad) and much of the functionality is made in some strange tree-like interface (ugly, unfriendly and somewhat harder). It has fixed things in it, no customization at all (like the previous version). Note that when muich of the functionality is made its way into tabs, etc. people tend to NOT use the main menu for anything else than preferences. The statistics thing should be back (in my personal oppenion), but it should be a tab like the file browser, the collection browser, etc. Customizable, of course. I\'m of the people who tend not to know exactly what \"fast\", \"recent\", etc. things mean.. For me, these are useless. Prefer \"last x things\", \"first x things\", \"x months ago\", etc.
2) The queue manager needs some polish
First: Users should be able to edit their queue on the fly, when they make changes to the queue they should become available right that way
Second: The buttons need to be explained some way. Icons are not so generic solution for all things :)
Third: Assuming (First:), The OK and Cancel buttons are pointless. There should be some undo/redo in their place
3) Suggestions should be in some frendlier way, not displayed in khtml mode (some inprovements on the dynamic mode). I mean, some more songs to be suggested with, if available something like \"similarity\", or \"virtual dj\", etc, that some (music match jukebox) have (site for that should be nice). or an assistent to that thing.
4) For a future version:
It\'d be nice if done, just sounds very nice: beat matching so the next song can mix with the previous (mixes, remixes, etc... dj things would be very, very nice). Think of a graph that compares the output of the current song with some other song and some volume adjusting tools to fade out manually the mixed songs.
**) Generic things
It should be clear enough that from ANY place, dialog, etc. double click means \"play\" where \"play\" adds the selected thing to the playlist and plays it.. (or, if something is already playing, queue that thing, etc.) Under thing, understand: when clicking on an artist, add everything of that artist. when clicking on album, add all the songs of the album. When clicking somewhere in the queue manager/statistics page, also.
Also, middle click may be used too (queue songs, etc.)

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Re:3 to 4 feature requests

Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:51 pm
many of these features have been, or could be, implemented as scripts. Perhaps you could have a go yourself?

Check for amarok scripts on - there\'s a whole category devoted to them.

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