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Feature request - queue same song twice

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This may be more of a personal preference than a feature request, and may have been mentioned before. I would like the ability to queue the same song more than once. I like to pick out songs I want to listen to ahead of time, queue them up, and let them play through. But often times I want to play a certain song 3 or 4 times before switching to the next one. Maybe I just can\'t figure it out, but it currently seems like a song can either be queued or dequeued. I just think it would be nice if a song could be added to the queue anywhere and any number of times.

BTW, i\'ve been resorting to juk lately since taglib is broken and a number of songs cause amarok to crash and open thunderbird. I ripped my albums with k3b, and almost half of my collection causes amarok to crash :-(
Registered Member
I totally agree with you, I'm used to doing exactly that thing(in winamp) and now that I'm using Amarok I'm missing it (or maybe haven't found it yet?) If not, this function would be a really nice addition :)


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