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Podcast issue

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Podcast issue

Tue Apr 18, 2006 4:28 am
I have just upgraded from 1.3.x to 1.4 and I really like the new ipod features BUT there are a few issues with podcasts.

First the settings don\'t save on the podcast (download when available, keep xx amount, etc) after I close amarok. When I reopen it all settings are default. Also I\'m not sure if the scheduler is working in 1.4 since it did not download my daily podcast subscriptions. This all worked fine in my 1.3 installation.

Podcast download differently now too. Before if there was no tag information in the mp3 then amarok would insert the title tag from the podcast as the name. Now it does nothing and I end up with P041706.mp3 in my library rather than a meaningfull name.
If there is a way to turn this feature on or add it back I would really appreciate it. On the same subject but a little off topic, is there a way to tell amarok to leave spaces as space rather then underscores (_)? That was really annoying seeing underscores in the file name. Thanks.


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