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question about embedcover script

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question about embedcover script

Fri May 05, 2006 8:46 am
hello everyone.

this is not a problem with amarok as such, so i thought i'd put my query in this 'general discussion' forum. amarok is working wonderfully for me (1.4beta3), and i've got to say it's definetly the smoothest way of negotiating my large collection.

I am trying to use the amarok cover manager to get all the covers for all ~1000 of my albums, and then use to embedcover script  i downloaded (version 0.7) to embed them into each file. this is mainly so my partner can continue to use itunes (as she has finally figured out it's complexities  :wink: ), and have the benefit of viewing the covers i have painstakingly hunted down or scanned on her ipod nano.

the question i have is in regards to a message that pops up when i try and to use the script on certain files. it reads: 'EmbedCover error: this track is not in your collection'.

this is getting me very confused. I can find the songs whilst browsing through my albums, all listed in the 'Collection' tab on the left, and I can also add the songs to my playlist and play them, and view the artwork etc etc without any problems in what way are the songs not in my collection, and how can i get them into my collection so i can then use the embedcovers script properly?

one of the other factors that confuses me so is the fact that some tracks on an album will work, whilst others will not. for example, whilst trying to embed the covers for the AC/DC album 'TNT', the first two tracks gave the error, whilst the other tracks seem to be fine. huh?

anyway, thanks for your time.

just a quick update...

after rebooting my computer into windows, and loading up itunes, it seems like the covers that seemingly worked didn't work like i expected. itunes still does not detect the artwork that the embedcovers script embedded.

have i got the purpose of this script horribly wrong, or perhaps itunes embeds artwork in a different way than the embedcovers script? either way, i'm pretty stuck at the moment. any help would be appreciated. i find the prospect of manually embedding artwork into 13000+ songs a depressing daunting task...

iTunes, and just about every single piece of windows software out there, is buggy in the way they handle ID3v2.4 tags. They don't read the length field correctly (the way it's stored changed from ID3v2.3 to ID3v2.4), and so large values there (such as those found for cover images) are read incorrectly, and they believe the image is corrupted and don't render it.

Unfortunately the only way to actually fix this is to have TagLib (which amaroK uses for tag reading/writing) be similarly buggy, or hope Apple and all the other software vendors fix it on their end. The first is undesirable, and the second is unlikely. :(

Re: question about embedcover script

Sat May 06, 2006 11:23 am
thanks for the info, shakes.

i've got to say, that is a total bummer. i've been looking for some tools to make this process easier, but haven't any 'magic solutions' just yet. i figure it's about time i gave up looking for the holy grail, and rolled up my sleeves to start manually adding the covers into the tags via itunes.

although i won't bother with embedcovers for the moment, i'm still curious as to why it said those songs weren't in my collection. anyone got the answer?


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