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Amarok 1.4.0 upgrade: a few problems

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Andrew L

I am using Ubuntu Linux: Breezy Badger and was using the beta version of Amarok 1.4 from the following repository:
    deb breezy main universe preview

This morning updates for Amarok were detected and I installed them and a few problems have occured.
  - The ratings column has disappeared from the playlist view. It isn't even in the "show column" menu.
  - Various problems with the appearance of the player:
        a. The title column does not appear correctly - track names are hidden behind the left hand section of the screen (playlist)
        b. The play/fwd/back/stop buttons are not displayed

N.B. I noticed on the Installation HowTo it says "There is no package available for breezy". Is the reason behind the problems above simply that Amarok is not designed to run on breezy?  :confused:

Is it possible to revert back to the beta version which was working?!


Andrew L
Have decided to revert back to Amarok 1.3 for the time being. Ubuntu Dapper Drake should be realeased by the end of June, so hopefully will be able to use 1.4 then  :smilie:

To all the people working on this: This is a really great application! The user rating system in 1.4 is great. Since this has been installed on my system, I'm really enjoying my music collection more. Keep up the good work.



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