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Different "Favorite Albums" ranking

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Different "Favorite Albums" ranking

Sun Jul 30, 2006 9:00 am

I started using Amarok a few days ago and I have to say it is great.

I have a question though. How is the "Favorite albums" ranking generated? For what I understood, it takes (more or less) the average of scores between all the PLAYED songs of a certain album. It is certainly a fair logic, but I think that a more reasonable one could also take in account the NOT PLAYED ones.

For example, with the current behaviour, I could have an album, in which I liisten only to one song many times, between my favourites, while not having another album I do listen much more...

For example (just brainstorming), the non-played songs could be taken in account for this calculation with a default score of 50 in order to make the things work...

Sorry for my bad English, I hope you understood what I mean.


Last edited by elpampero on Sun Jul 30, 2006 9:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
I support that.

I have another problem with the album rankings: Sometimes I have only one song of a certain album in my collection, because all the rest of the songs is ****. Now obviously these "one song" albums always get top album rankings in my statistics.

However, I can't imagine a way to adept the statistics for this problem.
Aaron Cooper
Registered Member
Larx wrote:I support that.

I have another problem with the album rankings: Sometimes I have only one song of a certain album in my collection, because all the rest of the songs is ****. Now obviously these "one song" albums always get top album rankings in my statistics.

However, I can't imagine a way to adept the statistics for this problem.

Why do you care about album rankings if your collections contains several individual songs?  Perhaps the "Favourite Tracks" chart would be more useful to you. :)
Aaron Cooper
Registered Member
elpampero wrote:How is the "Favorite albums" ranking generated? For what I understood, it takes (more or less) the average of scores between all the PLAYED songs of a certain album. It is certainly a fair logic, but I think that a more reasonable one could also take in account the NOT PLAYED ones.

It seems to me that it is more complicated than that.  I have a new album with only two listens - the album's score is 52, but the two tracks I've listened to have scores 49 and 74.  Those don't average out to 52, so it's not JUST the played songs.  I'm also interested in hearing exactly how these album scores are calculated.
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Larx wrote:I support that.

I have another problem with the album rankings: Sometimes I have only one song of a certain album in my collection, because all the rest of the songs is ****. Now obviously these "one song" albums always get top album rankings in my statistics.

However, I can't imagine a way to adept the statistics for this problem.

One way to adept to this problem is to make the Album tag on these songs blank. Unless I'm mistaken unknown albums never show in the favorite albums list. And since you have just the one song you probably don't need the album information to be there. If you've like to preserve it you could always move it to the Comment tag instead.


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Aaron Cooper wrote:It seems to me that it is more complicated than that.  I have a new album with only two listens - the album's score is 52, but the two tracks I've listened to have scores 49 and 74.  Those don't average out to 52, so it's not JUST the played songs.  I'm also interested in hearing exactly how these album scores are calculated.

I don't know, because I have several albums with only one or two tracks played (both with score 75) and the overall score is 75. I don't use latest amarok version though, but version 1.3.9. Nevertheless, I don't think something changed regarding that.

Anyway, I would also like to point out (and I support everyone that already said this) that a scoring mechanism in which the scores can only increase does not make much sense. Maybe something a bit more complicated could be implemented (e.g. scores that decrease with increasing time interval from last play... minus 10% of the current score every week maybe?)

Maybe, I am a little OT, but who cares :)


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