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Coincidence?? ATF activated - mp3 corruption...

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1) Agreed - it was turned off by default - but reading the speil about it didn't imply that it was a 'dangerous' option - i did consider the idea that maybe my tags would get messed up and i was prepared to deal with that - but the thought that it would actually irrecoverably damage the music itself didn't occur to me - I've never had that kind of bad experience before with any music player...

2) I definitely have a large number of corrupt mp3s, not oggs... maybe 10,000+.  Possibly I have corrupt oggs too but since amarok also, as a seperate bug, keeps loosing my collection (i.e. my 'collection' tab becomes empty at random points), its hard to find out, and i'm afraid to play too much with it in case it damages any more of my files.

3) That sucks, but thanks for all the hard work you guys i'm sure are putting in over this, and for making a fix known if it becomes available.

4) Like Jason said, this isn't a bug, its a major clusterf**k.  I'm not saying what i'm saying because i'm angry with you guys or anything, far from it, mistakes happen, and i'm sure we all really appreciate all the work you've put into this app since day 1.  But i do want to bring the seriousness of this problem to your attention.  And i am intensely distraught about the loss of my mp3 files which i have been collecting most of my adult life.  And i suppose this is purely the fault of my own ignorance, but i really didn't expect a tagging feature to affect anything but the tags..  Yes i am considering switching.  I'm sure even you would too, tbh.  For all the joys of linux, and i know as well as anyone that they are practically innumerable, this is.. over the line.  When it comes down to it, i spent alot of time and money on my computer, and it is a requirement for me that my computer can play music - its the only way of listening to music i have, which is a big part of my life, and which i'm very passionate about.  And now i don't have any :(  I've also lost alot of my own music, that i've created, which is terribly sad.

5) Well, i'm absolutely and totally willing to devote any amount of help neccessary to repair these damaged MP3s.  If you want to correspond with me about this and try and get it sorted, by all means mail me at blaa-(at)
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There's a lot going on in the related bug report. The observed bahavior could be a taglib bug. It's under investigation, you might want to watch the bug report (I posted the number some time ago)
Jason Holloway
Registered Member
Not all of my files were destroyed.. Many albums were, however.. I am finding random songs scattered that are warped.  I have no ogg files whatsoever, so I know these are mp3s.  Yes, my first foray into ATF automatically prompted me that 'this is the first time  you have had ATF enabled - we will rescan  your collection now'  as soon as I started amarok...
The problem has been found.  Please see for information, and we are extremely sorry for the problems.
Registered Member

I have Amarok version: The Wolf 1.4.2-beta1 from the frontpage of the amarok website (downloaded and installed on the 21/8/06). I have run the ATF scan over my entire collection of mp3s (no ogg's that i know of).
I have not found any corrupted mp3s *yet*...

1) What is the likelyhood that i have corrupted any mp3s?
2) Am I safe to continue using ATF with this version of Amarok ?

Thanks team, i really love amarok

Last edited by jimbo7 on Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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KDE Developer
Its unlikely, corruption would only happen when you have two scanners at once.

Amarok Developer


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