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A unique DB or not

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A unique DB or not

Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:29 am

I have to say that this piece of software is the nicest I have ever seen (the wikipedia integrated is what I love...)

I have a laptop and a workstation, on the workstation there is all the music, on the laptop there is no music at all (it's an old pentium III).
I have a SMB share with all the music in it, and I have 2 amaroks 1.4 (one on the laptop, one on my workstation)

Currently, each amarok have it's own database in SQLlite, I was wondering if I would be better to have a unique DB in mysql ?

Is it better, recommended or not ?

I forgot to say that the paths of the smbmount is different on the 2 machines so maybe it is impossible to have only one db...

Thanks in advance for your answers

Last edited by abobobo on Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: A unique DB or not

Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:07 pm
Hello All,

(I am replying to my own message in order to help others)

A unique DB is not possible because paths are different



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