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collection freeze...

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collection freeze...

Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:47 am
i'm using amarok 1.4.3 (and downgraded to 1.3.9 just to see, and have same problem i'm about to describe). running kubuntu 6.06 w/2.6.17-27-686 kernal.  amarok starts up fine, but always freezes when building my music collection. it alwasy freezes around 11 and 13%.  i have about 12 gigs of music.  if it means anything, all the music is on a separate partition (fat32, i dual boot w/xp), but in the past i've never had a problem.  i can drag and drop files to amarok, and they play fine.  whats going on.

oh, and here's the output when starting from the console:

X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
  Major opcode:  145
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
  Major opcode:  145
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
Amarok: [Loader] Starting amarokapp..
Amarok: [Loader] Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp.
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
  Major opcode:  145
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
  Major opcode:  145
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
amarok: BEGIN: App::App()
amarok: BEGIN: void App::fixHyperThreading()
amarok:    SMP system detected. Enabling WORKAROUND.
amarok: END__: void App::fixHyperThreading() - Took 0.0013s
amarok: END__: App::App() - Took 0.0073s
amarok: BEGIN: void App::continueInit()
amarok: BEGIN: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&)
amarok:    [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 27 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'engine' and [X-KDE-Amarok-name] != 'void-engine' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0
amarok:    [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 27 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'engine' and [X-KDE-Amarok-name] == 'void-engine' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0
amarok:    [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_void-engine_plugin
amarok:    PluginManager Service Info:
amarok:    ---------------------------
amarok:    name                          :
amarok:    library                      : libamarok_void-engine_plugin
amarok:    desktopEntryPath              : amarok_void-engine_plugin.desktop
amarok:    X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype      : engine
amarok:    X-KDE-Amarok-name            : void-engine
amarok:    X-KDE-Amarok-authors          : (Max Howell,Mark Kretschmann)
amarok:    X-KDE-Amarok-rank            : 1
amarok:    X-KDE-Amarok-version          : 1
amarok:    X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: 27
amarok: END__: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&) - Took 0.072s
amarok: BEGIN: CollectionDB::CollectionDB()
amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionDB::initialize()
amarok:      [ThreadWeaver] Creating pthread key, exit value is 0
amarok: BEGIN: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*)
amarok: END__: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*) - Took 0.0015s
amarok: END__: void CollectionDB::initialize() - Took 0.031s
amarok:    [CollectionDB] INotify not available, using QTimer!
amarok: END__: CollectionDB::CollectionDB() - Took 0.052s
amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionDB::checkDatabase()
amarok:    [CollectionDB] INotify not available, using QTimer!
amarok: END__: void CollectionDB::checkDatabase() - Took 0.061s
amarok: BEGIN: MediaDeviceManager::MediaDeviceManager()
amarok: BEGIN: DeviceManager::DeviceManager()
amarok: BEGIN: Medium* DeviceManager::getDevice(QString)
amarok:        DeviceManager: getDevice called with name argument = init
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList()
amarok: END__: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList() - Took 0.00086s
amarok: END__: Medium* DeviceManager::getDevice(QString) - Took 0.0022s
amarok:      DeviceManager:  connectDCOPSignal returned successfully!
amarok: END__: DeviceManager::DeviceManager() - Took 0.0049s
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList()
amarok: END__: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList() - Took 0.0024s
amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceManager::slotMediumAdded(const Medium*, QString)
amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceManager::slotMediumAdded(const Medium*, QString) - Took 0.00032s
amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceManager::slotMediumAdded(const Medium*, QString)
amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceManager::slotMediumAdded(const Medium*, QString) - Took 0.00028s
amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceManager::slotMediumAdded(const Medium*, QString)
amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceManager::slotMediumAdded(const Medium*, QString) - Took 0.005s
amarok: END__: MediaDeviceManager::MediaDeviceManager() - Took 0.015s
amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistWindow::init()
QLayout "unnamed" added to QVBox "unnamed", which already has a layout
amarok: BEGIN: void MountPointManager::init()
amarok:      [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 27 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'device' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0
amarok:      [MountPointManager] Received [3] device plugin offers
amarok:      [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_massstorage-device
amarok:      PluginManager Service Info:
amarok:      ---------------------------
amarok:      name                          : Mass Storage Device
amarok:      library                      : libamarok_massstorage-device
amarok:      desktopEntryPath              : amarok_massstorage-device.desktop
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype      : device
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-name            : massstorage-device
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-authors          : (Maximilian Kossick)
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-rank            : 100
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-version          : 1
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: 27
amarok:      [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_smb-device
amarok:      PluginManager Service Info:
amarok:      ---------------------------
amarok:      name                          : SMB Device
amarok:      library                      : libamarok_smb-device
amarok:      desktopEntryPath              : amarok_smb-device.desktop
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype      : device
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-name            : smb-device
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-authors          : (Maximilian Kossick)
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-rank            : 100
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-version          : 1
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: 27
amarok:      [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_nfs-device
amarok:      PluginManager Service Info:
amarok:      ---------------------------
amarok:      name                          : NFS Device
amarok:      library                      : libamarok_nfs-device
amarok:      desktopEntryPath              : amarok_nfs-device.desktop
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype      : device
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-name            : nfs-device
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-authors          : (Maximilian Kossick)
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-rank            : 100
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-version          : 1
amarok:      X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: 27
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList()
amarok: END__: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList() - Took 0.00076s
amarok: BEGIN: void MountPointManager::mediumChanged(const Medium*)
amarok:        [MountPointManager] found handler for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_983CBE013CBDDB08
amarok:        [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Found existing UUID config for ID 1 , uuid /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_983CBE013CBDDB08
amarok:        [MountPointManager] added device 1 with mount point /media/sda1
amarok: END__: void MountPointManager::mediumChanged(const Medium*) - Took 0.028s
amarok: BEGIN: void MountPointManager::mediumChanged(const Medium*)
amarok:        [MountPointManager] found handler for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_220fd4dc_95c3_4b9a_a226_62fddbc0c72c
amarok:        [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Found existing UUID config for ID 2 , uuid /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_220fd4dc_95c3_4b9a_a226_62fddbc0c72c
amarok:        [MountPointManager] added device 2 with mount point /
amarok: END__: void MountPointManager::mediumChanged(const Medium*) - Took 0.012s
amarok: BEGIN: void MountPointManager::mediumChanged(const Medium*)
amarok:        [MountPointManager] found handler for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_5E23_A56C
amarok:        [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Found existing UUID config for ID 3 , uuid /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_5E23_A56C
amarok:        [MountPointManager] added device 3 with mount point /media/sda6
amarok: END__: void MountPointManager::mediumChanged(const Medium*) - Took 0.012s
amarok: END__: void MountPointManager::init() - Took 0.072s
amarok:    [Moodbar] Resetting moodbar:
QLayout: Adding KToolBar/mainToolBar (child of QVBox/unnamed) to layout for PlaylistWindow/PlaylistWindow
amarok: BEGIN: Creating browsers. Please report long start times!
amarok: BEGIN: ContextBrowser
amarok: END__: ContextBrowser - Took 0.34s
amarok: BEGIN: CollectionBrowser
amarok:        [CollectionView::CollectionView(CollectionBrowser*)]
amarok:        current browser is not collection, aborting renderView()
amarok: END__: CollectionBrowser - Took 0.03s
amarok: BEGIN: PlaylistBrowser
amarok: BEGIN: PlaylistCategory* PlaylistBrowser::loadPodcasts()
amarok: END__: PlaylistCategory* PlaylistBrowser::loadPodcasts() - Took 0.0031s
amarok: END__: PlaylistBrowser - Took 0.028s
amarok: BEGIN: FileBrowser
amarok: END__: FileBrowser - Took 0.49s
amarok:      [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 27 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'mediadevice' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0
amarok:      [MediaBrowser] mediumAdded: (true,/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_5E23_A56C,sda6,_PNG
amarok: BEGIN: MediaDevice* MediaBrowser::loadDevicePlugin(const QString&)
amarok: END__: MediaDevice* MediaBrowser::loadDevicePlugin(const QString&) - Took 2.8e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: MediaBrowser
amarok: END__: MediaBrowser - Took 0.0025s
amarok: END__: Creating browsers. Please report long start times! - Took 0.94s
amarok: END__: void PlaylistWindow::init() - Took 1.1s
amarok: BEGIN: UrlLoader
amarok:    [KDE::ProgressBar::ProgressBar(QWidget*, QLabel*)]
amarok:    | Stamp: 1
amarok: BEGIN: void App::applySettings(bool)
amarok:      [Moodbar] Resetting moodbar:
amarok:      [Scrobbler] Performing immediate handshake
amarok:      [Scrobbler] Handshake url: ... cottonwood
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ThreadWeaver::Thread::run()
amarok:        [virtual void BrowserBar::polish()]
amarok:        [void ContextBrowser::tabChanged(QWidget*)]
amarok:        current browser is not collection, aborting renderView()
amarok: BEGIN: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*)
amarok: END__: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*) - Took 0.00062s
amarok: BEGIN: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine()
amarok: BEGIN: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&)
amarok:            [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 27 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'engine' and [X-KDE-Amarok-name] != 'xine-engine' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0
amarok:            [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 27 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'engine' and [X-KDE-Amarok-name] == 'xine-engine' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0
amarok:            [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_xine-engine
amarok:            [xine-engine] hello
amarok:            PluginManager Service Info:
amarok:            ---------------------------
amarok:            name                          : xine Engine
amarok:            library                      : libamarok_xine-engine
amarok:            desktopEntryPath              : amarok_xine-engine.desktop
amarok:            X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype      : engine
amarok:            X-KDE-Amarok-name            : xine-engine
amarok:            X-KDE-Amarok-authors          : (Max Howell)
amarok:            X-KDE-Amarok-rank            : 255
amarok:            X-KDE-Amarok-version          : 1
amarok:            X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: 27
amarok: BEGIN: virtual bool XineEngine::init()
amarok:              [xine-engine] 'Bringing joy to small mexican gerbils, a few weeks at a time.'
amarok:              [xine-engine] w00t/home/gareth/.kde/share/apps/amarok/xine-config
amarok: END__: virtual void ThreadWeaver::Thread::run() - Took 0.52s
amarok:            [xine-engine] gapless playback enabled.
amarok: END__: virtual bool XineEngine::init() - Took 0.12s
amarok: END__: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&) - Took 0.13s
amarok: END__: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine() - Took 0.13s
amarok:      current browser is not collection, aborting renderView()
amarok: END__: void App::applySettings(bool) - Took 0.55s
amarok:    | Stamp: 2
amarok: BEGIN: ScriptManager::ScriptManager(QWidget*, const char*)
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ThreadWeaver::Thread::run()
amarok: BEGIN: virtual bool StatisticsUpdateJob::doJob()
amarok: BEGIN: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*)
amarok: END__: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*) - Took 0.00027s
amarok:          [MountPointManager] Trying to update 0 statistics rows
amarok: END__: virtual bool StatisticsUpdateJob::doJob() - Took 0.0023s
amarok: END__: virtual void ThreadWeaver::Thread::run() - Took 0.0025s
amarok: END__: ScriptManager::ScriptManager(QWidget*, const char*) - Took 0.0098s
amarok:    | Stamp: 3
amarok:    [Moodbar] Resetting moodbar:
gareth@laptop:~$ amarok: BEGIN: ScanController::ScanController(CollectionDB*, bool, const QStringList&)
amarok: END__: ScanController::ScanController(CollectionDB*, bool, const QStringList&) - Took 0.015s
amarok: END__: void App::continueInit() - Took 2.2s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void UrlLoader::completeJob()
amarok: END__: virtual void UrlLoader::completeJob() - Took 0.00012s
amarok:  [ThreadWeaver] Job completed: UrlLoader. Jobs pending: 0
amarok: END__: UrlLoader - Took 0.65s
amarok: [virtual KDE::ProgressBar::~ProgressBar()]
amarok: [ThreadWeaver] Job completed: StatisticsUpdateJob. Jobs pending: 0
amarok: [ScriptManager] Loaded:
amarok: [ScriptManager] Loaded:
amarok: [ScriptManager] Loaded: Web Control
amarok: [ScriptManager] Loaded: Lyrc
amarok: [ScriptManager] Loaded: Default
amarok: [ScriptManager] Loaded: Impulsive
amarok: [ScriptManager] Auto-running script: Default
amarok: [ScriptManager] Running script: /usr/share/apps/amarok/scripts/score_default/score_default.rb
amarok: [ScriptManager] Auto-running script: Lyrc
amarok: [ScriptManager] Running script: /usr/share/apps/amarok/scripts/lyrics_lyrc/lyrics_lyrc.rb
amarok: [Scrobbler] Handshake result parsed: challenge=CD86C8A299FCB77849810284C86D14F9, submitUrl=
amarok: [Scrobbler] Nothing to schedule
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ThreadWeaver::Thread::run()
amarok: BEGIN: virtual bool ScanController::doJob()
amarok: BEGIN: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*)
amarok: END__: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*) - Took 0.0003s
amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionDB::createTables(bool)
amarok: END__: void CollectionDB::createTables(bool) - Took 0.17s
amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionDB::prepareTempTables()
amarok: END__: void CollectionDB::prepareTempTables() - Took 0.00052s
amarok:    [KDE::ProgressBar::ProgressBar(QWidget*, QLabel*)]
amarok:    [ScanController] itemcount event: 3079
amarok:    [CollectionDB] Detected compilation: Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimerr - 2:1
amarok:    [CollectionDB] Detected compilation: album itunes - 5:1
amarok:    [CollectionDB] Detected compilation: album itunes 2 - 2:1


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