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Thanks for making the best music player of all time

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The title says it. I'm sure you get this a lot, but thanks.  I'm one of those ubuntu newbs, and after hating on rhythmbox for a while I tried amarok... and wow.

Right now I'm using KDE which Amarok convinced me to convert to, and I'm loving the Konquerer integration.

The features I'd like to see in the future would most likely be:
-tabbed playlist management
-better tag control (capitalize first letters of words in tags would be nice)
- amarok start up with library loaded
- a button beside "clear playlist" for shuffle
- internet radio casting

The only reason I'm listing these things is cause I like the software and I'd like it to improve. I'd give some of those simpler ones a shot myself if I had the programming skills but right now I'm just learning basic java :(

And a plug for KDE on the GNOME amarok start up screen in small text could possibly be something worth adding.

But damn amarok is awesome. I'll come back when I can code (or have a paypal account and my own credit card).


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