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Amarok is the Mutts Nutz

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Amarok is the Mutts Nutz

Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:32 pm
Hey all, especially those on the development team of Amorak, I think your application is awesome. I'm a recent Linux convert coming from Windoze and everyday I seem to get further away from Windoze. My windoze boot now moans that I'm 50 days out of date with virus definitions and then moans all icons on my desktop are unused.  :biggrin:

Anyhow back to Amarok, I searched through many of the Linux media players and jukebox's finding them all just OK but nothing special, then I stumbled on Amorok. From the moment it asked me if I wanted to store the library in MySQL my mind was a race with possibilities, then on running the application to see how user friendly it was and how quick, how it just simply does everything I want it to do and in a way that makes sense. Oh and it simply looks great too. Well done on a fine job. This beats anything Windoze had in the way of jukebox's and some of them weren't half bad. Oh and guys don't port it to windoze leave it on Linux, its better here!  :eek:


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