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Amarok on the go?

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Amarok on the go?

Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:43 am
I love Amarok and have amazed many people by showing off its features. I really enjoy rating my songs and creating smart playlists that use the play count and score and stuff. The only thing I haven't figured out yet is how to keep track of all this data when I am listening to my music on my ipod-like portable media player. (I have an ipaq pocket PC running PocketMusic, and it works great except that I can't rate songs as I listen to them.)

Does any one know of ANY mobile product (hardware/software) that would give the ability to rate songs and then sync that data with the Amarok database? How do other people work around this difficulty?

I have thought (more like dreamed) about getting one of those OQO devices, but it seems a bit overkill. I've also thought about installing the Familiar Distribution on my PDA but I don't know anything about the media players available for that. Any ideas? Thanks.
Gentoo on AMD64 with KDE
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Re: Amarok on the go?

Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:16 pm
Sorry, I'm a newb too but, I can tell you that you can rate songs with an iPod and those ratings will sync to the Amarok db.  Also, there is a script in the forums here that imports ratings from iTunes - It uses an xml file which other players like winamp also export.  Unfortunately, I haven't seen a newbie friendly way of exporting the ratings from Amarok but would be interested in finding one.


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