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Re: Why winamp is better than amarok

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Why winamp is better than amarok

Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:45 pm
I will articulate why winamp is (far) better than amarok, please no offence intended
( but pun defnitely intended :cool: :) )

1) It has a dedicated media library that gives you this artist album songs view which can be empirically proven to be faster and better
What i mean is it has three lists and a search bar, in one list it shows all the artist which has to be shown to the user. When the user  selects an artist all songs and albums by that artist are shown in the songs and album lists

A picture can show a thousand words

Here actually winamp gives options to choose the content of 3 panes
a) genre/artist/songs
b) artist/album/songs

Why doens't amarok have something like this

It's the quickest way to find songs

2) **** the amarok virtually each and every media player treats all meta information as case insensitve, excluding amarok

3) Winamp has a lot of nifty options, a
    a) right click on a song in the ML ( media library ) it gives you an option to load all songs from that album or from that artist

    b) in the playlist it has options to move the currently selected song below the cureently playing song

    c) automatically add files that are played to the media libraray if they are not in the media library already

  d) If the media tags are missing it should automagically guess the tag by looking in to the directory or file path for example is the path of a file is like
The pattern for reading the meta tag from the file path should be totally configureable

  e) Give a simple query interface generator so that the user himself could build a smart playlist winamp is totlly kick **** in this, it is almost like full blow query languages totally kick **** just check out the following images..


Sugeestions for improvements ( features even absent in winamp )

a) Locally cache the lyrics so that we do not need to connect to the internet just to look at a previously downloaded lyrics

I know that trying to ape a commerical program is like rape for OSS philosophy, but certain good features should be incorporated to PROPEL AMAROK EVEN FORWARD, EVEN FASTER

I hope the developers have given their ears, for my phlight

Extremely sorry for inadvertent double post totally uncalled for

Last edited by roshanpv on Mon Apr 02, 2007 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Registered Member
1. use the search in the collection browser.

2. I'm not really sure what you're talking about

3. a. that's actually a handy feature. although it's probably possible via a script

b. again, not sure what you mean. are you talking about queueing tracks?

c. only if it's an option. say if someone sends you a 30 second clip and you only listen to it once. there's no need it for it to permanently be in your collection now

d. another good point. I always find it ridiculous when audio players don't do this. especially since the files in my collection are all 'artist - album - track - title'

e. look into smart playlists
Registered Member
a) Amarok already does that
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Yeah, the case sensitive search is very annoying. i don't understand, why they cant switch to a case insensitive search.  :confused:

Re: Why winamp is better than amarok

Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:54 pm
And I don't understand why you can't properly tag your goddamn files!

I love the case sensitive search and hope it will never be abandoned...
Registered Member
i personally hate the way winamp shows songs, and i ate its data deduction, and it have very bad cover manager
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Re: Why winamp is better than amarok

Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:44 am
stokedfish wrote:And I don't understand why you can't properly tag your goddamn files!

I love the case sensitive search and hope it will never be abandoned...

I dont see the connection... my files are perfectly tagged. But when i search for a song  that has a "king" in his title i have to search for King and king... or perhaps it was KiNg? Thats the problem of properly tagged files...

I think the search function exists to find songs, where you doesnt exactly know how the song was spelled... or it would be not a search but a selection.

Last edited by PeterB on Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Registered Member

Re: Why winamp is better than amarok

Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:07 pm
search has always been case insensitive for me in the collection borwser.
if it is not, that is either some obscure bug, or misconfiguration.

if you could join us in #amarok (at freenode), this could be diagnosed more easily.


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