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collection library

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collection library

Sun May 20, 2007 9:03 pm
The Amarok library fails to read any filename that has an accented character anywhere in the path. Some do show up in the library but won't play when I try to listen to them, while others don't show up in the library at all. Because I have quite a few French songs in my library, though, it really is a pain in the keester to have to manually rename files every time I come across a file that won't play, and because I have over 10,000 songs on my hard drive, it can be really difficult to locate the songs that aren't appearing in my library at all.

So a couple of questions:

(1) Is there anything I can do to make Amarok recognize accented characters in a file or folder name? I genuinely prefer to keep my path names spelled correctly if at all possible.

(2) Regarding the files that don't show up at all, is there any kind of utility I can use to compare my library list to my actual music folder so that it's easier to locate these files, or am I really stuck having to manually check every MP3 I own to see if it's showing up in my Amarok collection or not?

I have a dual boot Windows/Ubuntu computer, so because of the fact that Ubuntu can read my NTFS partition but Windows can't read the Linux drive, I keep my music collection on the Windows drive. I realize that might affect how Amarok works and/or what I can do about these two situations, so I thought I should clarify that.

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Re: collection library

Mon May 21, 2007 3:46 am
HI, when I made the swich from Mepis 6.0 to Kubuntu 7.04, the same thing happened to me. I had restored my library and rating from a backuped database. Well, I didn't remember that when I created my database in Mepis, I created it in utf-8, but be default, without expliciting it, mysql create iso-8859-1 database. So for me, my problem was coming from there.
The other thing aside databse that you should check (well, I think, I'm not a linux guru) is how you mount your windows partition. When my library was on a Fat32 partition, I was always mouting it in utf-8 in fstab.

So, for me, the problem comes either from database or mounting.

Also, after all that, I still had problems beacause I realized that my tags were in iso8859-1, so I had to correct this and save them in utf-8, but I do this by hand when I see a screwed song title in my playlist in amarok.


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