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X redirect under OSX or what ?

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X redirect under OSX or what ?

Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:22 am
Hi there

i am running amarok on my linux server (gentoo  2.6.17). The server is connected to my stereo system vi optic cable.Now while this is all working fine, i like to control the server from the convenience of my recliner chair. I like to use my macbook as a remote.
ssh does not work for me (i do not use kde as a windowmanager on my server) and would give me to little control.
So i started using an X Display redirect (using Oroborosx and shh -X).
This basicaly fullfills my needs, but feels shacky at best.
i get a lot of  X Error and see a lot of flickering.

Is there a better way to achieve this ?

Could a Mac native amarok client control some kind of amarok backend ?
I could not find anything regarding client server architecture for amarok.
To clarify, i want the sound output to be on the server side.

Registered Member

Re: X redirect under OSX or what ?

Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:56 pm
I found nxserver which works way better and faster.
Seems i am almost there.
Now i need to set up keyboard shortcuts.

lg tom


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