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Chance for flexible Mass tagging in Amarok?

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i searched the forum and read the things about tagging.
But i have not found a statement of the plans with amarok and tagging.
If anyone has a hint - thx in advance.
Ok here what puzzles me:
1) Is there a plan for flexible Mass tagging in Amarok?
In the newer Amarok versions there is something called "Tags" which is similar to what i mean but:
  a)It's a pain to add new tags to a file or a mass of them. (same thing for normal tags btw.)
  b)its not a thing like a "id" = "value" system which i find has more possibilities then an "array" of values.

2)Tagging of Pictures is not bad witch the web integration, but can i store them inside the audio-files? (I have mostly flac-files which allows this since ca. flac1.4? i think)
3)Tagging the rating is nice with all the stars :-) but again are this tags stored in the files? Is there a option to do so?

There should be a feature in Amarok to edit the tag, simple by clicking on the artist, album, genre, or any other user defined tag.
Amarok has already the powers of most of this (taglib, musicbrainz etc) but lacks features like "Ex Falso - Quod Libet" or "Mp3tag (Windows app) "

I know that there are people who say: Use a extra tag editor! And they have a point.
BUT there IS SIMPLY NO (as far as i know and i searched a lot) that can do this things under Linux. Under Windows there is Mp3tag or foobar2000. But i kicked all Win Only Apps.
So it would be nice to have Kid or Easytag to this stuff but it is just don't possible at the moment.

And I think that Amarok with a powerful Tagmode would be XXXXX <- 5Stars :-) .

If the amarok-devs do not have the intention of doing this in the future it would be at least nice to know if the want amarok primarily(only) to be a cool player.

I'm grateful for any other suggestion for flexible audio tagging under Linux.
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Nobody?  :eek:
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1) There have been some discussions about this, and they came to the same conclusion that you bring up: mass tagging is not something Amarok should do.
I guess if you want this feature, go ask the easytag developers.

2) Including pictures in the tag would only work if taglib has support for this. I don't know if it has, but if not, make this suggestion there :)

3) The ratings are stored in the database, and I don't know of an option that would do that.
Registered Member
Thx for this infos.

to1) §$%&/ Why can't the good players never be the good taggers )-: .
But ok at least i know that now.

to2) Since 1) is futile i will not use Amarok for Pictures.

to3) Ok seems i have to search for alternatives, because i want to use my music on more than one PC/Home and the rating has to go in the tag.

Thx for the Clarifications.
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Alanceil wrote:1) There have been some discussions about this, and they came to the same conclusion that you bring up: mass tagging is not something Amarok should do.
I guess if you want this feature, go ask the easytag developers.

2) Including pictures in the tag would only work if taglib has support for this. I don't know if it has, but if not, make this suggestion there :)

3) The ratings are stored in the database, and I don't know of an option that would do that.

Mass tagging already works in 1.4. Are you talking about 1.4 or 2.0?
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Dieter Schroeder
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Mass tagging should be done by external apps. Amarok is an audioplayer, as easytag is a tagger f.e.
Embedded images aren't read by Amarok2, same with embedded scores.
All id3v2.4 frames are supported by taglib and Amarok (although not all are used).
Embedding scores is a bit tricky:
POPM Popularimeter or the comment frames are used by different apps and iTunes adds non-standard frames, as far as I know.
And you never know exactly, how they get calculated.
So use a specialist (I prefer easytag, btw.) for tagging.


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