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Please fix for Amarok 2.0: Automatic reconnecting of radio-streams

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Hi  :wink:

Amarok is great but one thing is a bit annoying....whenever I lisen to our radiostation and there's a change of the moderator (the streams is offline for a second before the new moderator takes over the stream) I have to manually reconnect the station. This is very annoying and most other players don't have such a behaviour - I tried xmms, mpg123 and BMPx and all of them automatically reconnect to the stream. Any chance to add this for Amarok as well? I'm using the xine backend...
Still no reaction from the devs -->  *bump*
User avatar
And, of course, you've posted a wish at, and/or posted to the official dev list? daily bumping of a thread isn't going to win friends...

"There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works."
If men could get pregnant, we'd learn the true meaning of "screaming nancyboy wuss"
I've posted 5 bugs/wishes to so far and none of them got fixed/added. Actually, the opposite. One of them got a HUGE number of votes and was very popular and all the Amarok devs did was closing the bug with a "won't happen" comment.

I'll never use again. It's a waste of time and fruitless.

Bumping a thread till there's a comment from the devs certainly is a better way to report a bug, sorry.
Registered Member
No, actually it's not a better way. but keep on bumping.
P.S. amarok 2 is broken for the forseeable future and the devs know. They have more important things to take care of WRT the port to KDE 4, but it's safe to say all issues will be fixed by release time. If your bug isn't fixed when the first alpha/beta rolls around, feel free to report the bug then (on or at worst the mailing list.
The mailing list is an option, yes. But isn't. You can't even report a bug there when not logged in. Forcing the user to register at a site just to make a goddamn bugreport certainly isn't very clever - is about as unuserfriendly as it can get and when the bugs are finally in, they just get ignored or closed without changing anything and without giving a reason. So I conclude that is a waste of time from a user perspective and I most certainly won't ever use it again.

I'll report this to the mailing list should it not be fixed with Amarok 2.0 beta 1. Thanks.

Last edited by stokedfish on Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Registered Member
That is correct. You can't report anything without logging in. Much like you not being able to post to this forum without logging in.
For much the same reasons. So you see why forcing the user to register, while an inconvenience is absolutely necessary. because otherwise anyone can and would come and post any old garbage to the bugs reporting system. at the very least if they do that with a registered email address, the address can be banned. Far more effecient than banning say, an ip range or ip address. Especially since people can force their isps to give them new IP address, thus screwing over other people.

So you see is an option. In fact, it's the only sane option. Now onto the REAL issue with why you don't want to go to Since you've already filed 5 bugs you've already registered so you're previous protests aren't really valid. Especially since b.k.o uses cookies to save your login information (and if you don't allow cookies that's no one's fault but your own). You just don't want your bugs to be a) closed or b) ignores. The thing is if you report anything to the forums it will almost certainly be ignored, whereas if you report something to b.k.o it will almost certainly be looked at. In looking at it the devs then decide, allow me to repeat that, the devs then decide whether your suggestion is feasable or not, and on the basis of their decisions close/fix your report.

If they just ignore your report outright then it probably wasn't that good. And if you have a large list of things to go through, you tend to focus on the ones which are clear and ignore the others. Do you know why? Because deciphering a poor bug report/poorly explained wish is a "waste of time" from a developer "perpective". So you probably need to improve upon your bug report/wishlist items. As a matter of fact, if you paste the links to them I'll help you with that.

Alternatively you may  keep on complaining if you're not really concerned about getting your issues resolves and merely want to vent in a public forum.

P.S. Amarok 2 is still currently for use by developers. when they require user feedback, they'll be sure to change the sticky at the top of this forum.
Well, when the MOST POPULAR wish for Amarok gets closed down without even giving a reason, then that is not a feasable decision at all and it shows me that is a waste of time. You can't say that a wish "isn't that good" when hundreds of users voted for it. That's pure ignorance, nothing else.

Even if you have a large list of things to go through it would be better to keep the bug in the bug tracker and just give it low priorit for now. Simply closing it isn't a good way to deal with time and manpower restrictions.

Also, saying that this is not a valid bug report is pretty stupid. Of course it is a valid one, as all other players I tried seem to have no problem with such streams. And your arguments for registering are poor ones, adding a good CAPTCHA would do the trick. So they ban e-mail adresses? Lol, I'd just get a new one...

Last edited by stokedfish on Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Registered Member
Getting hundreds of votes doesn't equal popular. The userbase for amarok is larger than that. Also you can allocate 20 votes at a time to any bug. So by your count that equals around 5 people at least. I notice you've also failed to include links to the bug reports. Why is that, afraid that everyone will see that they weren't quality reports and that you have no case? Why not just link to them? At the very least maybe you can get some users on your side if you have a case.
You also can say a wish "isn't that good" if it gets hundreds of votes or even thousands, if for instance, the wish isn't that good. It is highly probable that the developers know more about the underlying framework of amarok than you. They would know what it takes to implement a wish and what the potential drawbacks are to doing it. They are best suited to making an informed decision about whether a feature would require a rewrite of the entire application, or simply isn't possible given the underlying (KDE) architechture. Pure ignorance would be assuming, from the comfort of your lounge chair, that it is a good feature simply because others agree with you that they want it.

As for your second point, yes it would be better to do that. Unless they have decided that they will not. They developers who are writing the code have ultimate say in what is included. If they decide not to do it then that is the end of the story. Period. In that case there is no point keeping the report open because they either a) don't want that feature implemented and/or b) will not do it themselves.
So sure, it would have been nice to have a reason, and maybe you wouldn't be so bitter about it. But it was decided that you oh-so-great-feature (which was what exactly?) would not be done by them. This is open source software after all, if they don't want to you can always pay someone to do it for you :-)

Also I didn't say that this isn't a valid bug report, but I will say it now. It isn't a valid bug report. Valid bug reports are placed at If other players do the job which you are looking for, why not use them? I suspect it's because despite this deficiency amarok is still the best player out there and you can't stand to use the others. I know, it's like crack. We all need our fix.
My arguments for registering, whether good or bad (a matter of opinion) are fact. This is why you have to register. Disagree all you want it doesn't change the facts. And no captchas would not do the trick. Captcha's are useful or proving that the person you are dealing with is human, not for making it harder for humans to fill b.k.o with useless garbage. Again, the point of registering is to make it harder for people to flood the bug database with whatever they feel like. Those who go through the inconvenience of registering are likely to be those actually interested in improving the product. And that is what is for, helping developers of applications improve their products.

Finally, you'd get a new e-mail address. but it would be a further inconvenience for you to do so. Eventually a malicious user would just give up and target someplace else which didn't require them to consistently create  new e-mail addresses. You see the purpose of forcing registration is to make it easier for the people reading through b.k.o. If everyone and their mother could post whenever they wanted then people would put up whatever they could think of and flood the database with nonsense. Registration ensures that their is a barrier to entry, and the idea is that only people who are serious about reporting bugs (and improving the quality of an application) will bother. So either you are exactly the type of person we seek to exclude from the database (in which case: yay) or you actually care and need to a) make better bug report and/or b) stop taking it personally when unpaid developers decide they don't have the time to implement your feature and/or c) stop taking it personally when someone decides your feature is horrible/not feasible and will not be implemented.



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