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any official word on the reintegration of the menu bar with amarok2

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there are two thread in this forum talking about this but for some reason i cant add my comment to those two so am adding this thread in hope that i/we will get an update if this was discussed with the devs and what this they agree on.

to remake the case:
a reason for the removal of the menu bar was that it confused some users, apparently, these users hide it by mistake and start wondering how to unhide it.

was it a good decision? i think not, why? because amaroK is supposed to be a "music player for kde" ..i dont know if its official or not but there are a lot of kde app that have an option to hide/unhide the menubar with the "ctrl+m". not having this feature just adds to inconsistencies in kde

most other programs with a menu bar that cant be hidden also only have one bar there, having the menubar and the the bar that cant be removed counts as two and i think this is what people who dont like the menu bar dont like the most. to have those two bars at the top.

even microsoft is moving away from the menu bar ..(a cheap shot  :cool:) shouldnt amarok?

Last edited by muungwana on Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Registered Member
the complaint was too many new users came here confused, in that case i suggest re adding it as a hidden feature (e.g dcop call to activate the setting or something to keep new users happy, or a really big warning when hiding it)
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KDE Developer
Well yea, the devs agree (AFAIK) that being able to hide the menu is a bad idea. I think it's a mistake that other KDE apps support this.

As far as MS moving away the menu bar: Amarok hasn't. Though you can do most things (everything probably) without the menu bar, it's still good to have a central place to look to do some tasks. We don't have as many actions as MS Word where that layout would make any sense.

Edit: I just noticed that Rioting_Pacifist was doing a bit of thread necromancy. Oh well. :)

Amarok Developer
Registered Member
sorry i just searched for menubar because i really dont like the descrepency when none of my other apps have permenant menu bars, though necoromancing would be preferd over duping.

:( shame about the choice to deviate from KDE, i really like the ability to hide menubars, but then again i understand its need so that gnome & windows users heads dont asplode.

Last edited by Rioting_Pacifist on Sun May 18, 2008 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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