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playlist customizeable sort order

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playlist customizeable sort order

Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:32 pm
This is a feature I think would add a bit to the usability of Amarok without requiring much in the way of coding.  Atm it seems to sort in a hierarchy based on album->track->name info, for example, if I sort via artist, I get something like this ::

Code: Select all
Kamelot - 1997 - Dominion
Kamelot - 2003 - Epica
Kamelot - 1995 - Eternity
Kamelot - 2007 - Ghost Opera
Kamelot - 2001 - Karma

I would prefer to be able to show it as ::

Code: Select all
Kamelot - 1995 - Eternity
Kamelot - 1997 - Dominion
Kamelot - 2001 - Karma
Kamelot - 2003 - Epica
Kamelot - 2007 - Ghost Opera

I'm just here to suggest that in some future version of Amarok, there by some option where the sort-order-hierarchy is definable by the user, instead of hard-coded.

The "Collection" tab already has something akin to this, but I would like to see it functional in the main playlist as well, as I think more peope would use it there.  I've been told this is impossible, but I know it's not, it's really rather simple, and it's already done, it just needs to be expanded. :)


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