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restricting configuration for public amarok box

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g,day all.

if anyone can help me iam attempting to set up a box with amarok operating in kiosk mode for out local club, all is going ok as i used kde kiosk tool to limit the app to amarok and set the mysql permisions for amarok to be read only and have also set the music dir as read only,

the only problem left from making it bomb proof is i ned to limit the configuration settings so no one can change any of the settings like engine and mysql database info.

making the ~home/.kde/share/amarok dir read only has made most of the settings freeze however someone can still change the mysql user and pw entrys.

anyidea how i can lock these settings or better still bisable the settings applet from being accesed?
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would using built-in sqlite help there? That way the pull-down menu only has one setting. I don't see how you could restrict the settings completely though, short of hiding the menu-bar and disabling any keyboard shortcuts. This would stop casual poking, but probably wouldn't completely lock it down.
Don't forget that amarok's config is ~/.kde/share/config/amarokrc - I'm not sure whether making this RO would help - worth a try!

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thanks dangle,

i had made the config stuff read only and it has seemed to preserve most of the data, i did overlook the amarokrc file however and ROed the /.kde/share/amarok directory which made my cover art disappear. after ROing the amarokro file the database login properties were greyed out which was good, however the sqllite/mysql option was still available to be changed:-(

another option i may have is to save the config files, recompile with a hacked gui and reinstall, then copy the config back,

if i just take the menu away with the configs i may even be able to set it up initially with the wizard.

Last edited by koshari on Sat Sep 22, 2007 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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