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idea concerning album scores

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Nico Bogaert
Registered Member

idea concerning album scores

Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:19 pm
Hello everyone,

I know there have been some topics on scoring, I've tried to search and read through them to see whether anything was related to what I want to write here. There might be some overlap, but I think it was worth starting a new discussion. Shoot me if you think I shouldn't have.

I've been using Amarok intensively for over 2 years now, and always been very enthousiastic about it. My collection is not too small (not so big either) and using amarok has always been a pleasure. One minor thing that is bothering me lately though is the album scoring. To be clear, I don't use the standard scoring system, but the script available on which bases scores on number of times played.

First problem is that tracks with a 0 (zero) score mess up my album statistics. An album played for the first time gets all zero scores (because the most played track has been played is played over 50 times) which makes that album appear in my top 5 albums (because I only have 3 albums who actually have a "real score" of over 50. This is kind of strange to me. I do understand the former discussions that lead to this solution, although I disagree with them. So I'd love to have the opportunity to set this value as a setting (if itś possible, please tell me how) rather than start that discussion again... leave it standard as it is now, but it would be great to be able to change that value if you'd like to. I actually think it'd be a perfect solution for people who like to make a larger spread in the standard scoring system possible.

A second problem are low-number-of-tracks-albums (eg. 2 or 3 tracks). I do understand that somewhere you have to put a limit, but I do consider some of my 2 track-albums as albums. I don't know how if it is easy to implement, but it'd be great if I could be done to mark an album as "an album" or not. Maybe some people think this doesn't really matter but I'd like to show them up in my album statistics as well.

A third problem I think that would be great if it gets solved, is the opportunity to add multi-artist albums to the album statistics. I like to listen to soundtracks and compilation albums, and consider some of them as favourite albums. It's kind of sad to not see them show up in the statistics to me.

So far for the ideas, I'm open to any discussion, if some of the things I write just completely aren't right, feel free to correct me and show me the light.

Greetings and thank you very much!


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