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adding to playlists....and a couple other things

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hi, i'm running amarok 1.4.8 and i think it's great but here are my suggestions for improvements.  if any of these has already been solved, then i just don't know the solution so i'd appreciate it if someone could let me know what it is.

in devices, there is the option to right click on a song and click 'add to playlist' to add the song to a playlist of your choosing.  this would be great, but it doesn't work for me.  when i do it, nothing happens.  am i doing something wrong?  without this option, the only way i know to add a song to my ipod playlist is to drag a song from my devices menu to the playlist at the top of the devices menu.  this is pretty annoying if you have a lot of songs because you're dragging a long time.

adding songs to playlists is a bit cumbersome in my collection.  in the collection, it seems that the fastest way to add a song to a playlist is to drag the song over to the playlists tab, and then drag it into the playlist that you want.  then you have to click on the collection tab to return to your music.  this isn't too bad, but i think it would be way quicker if you could have both the collection and playlists windows open so you could easily drag between the 2.

similarly, i think it would be great to be able to have both my collection and the contents of my ipod simultaneously on 2 separate windows.  then, when transferring music, it would be easy to see what i already have on my ipod so i don't transfer it again.

i like the way that amarok organizes my file structure by moving files from one artist directory to another when i make a change in amarok, but if this organization results in an empty directory, it doesn't delete the directory.  it just leaves it empty.  it would be nice if it could also get rid of empty directories.

all in all though, i'm pretty happy with amarok.

Last edited by kaston on Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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