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Smart, non-dynamic playlists in Amarok2?

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First, let me say that I love Amarok 1.4, and the 2.0 release is looking nicer every day.  However, while I have been playing around with Amarok2 for a while now, I have yet to see how to create a smart playlist.  I use the dynamic playlists a lot, and they are great for casually listening to music - really a great improvement over the dynamic playlists in 1.4.  But I miss the ability to make a playlist of a certain length for purposes of exporting. 

What I use Amarok 1.4 for a lot  is to create random mix cd's.  I set up a smart playlist to give me about 150 songs, all with at least a certain rating, and only from music (so I don't get any standup comedy,  for instance).  Then I select the burn playlist to cd option.  I would be sad if I couldn't do this in Amarok 2. 

Or am I missing something that is already implemented?

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KDE Developer
No, smart playlists are currently not implemented. They might come back in a later release, we're not sure yet.

Mark Kretschmann - Amarok Developer
Registered Member
Was curious if this was going to be included soon?  I installed 2.0 and I would definitely love to use it, but without the smart playlists, I had to roll back to 1.4. 

I dont listen to music much on my pc.  95% of my time in Amarok is to add new music to my iPOD and/or sync my statistics.  I keep all of my music rated, and use the smart playlist feature to create 3 star, 4 start, 5star, etc playlists to be able to control the balance of favorites vs. stuff I haven't heard in a while.  This is important with 10k+ songs.  Also, being able to add new music on the iPOD and create an "unrated" playlist allows me to randomly soak-in the new stuff and get it rated quickly.

Not sure if this is as critical of a feature for others, but its a deal breaker for me.  I still love 1.4 though!!  Thanks Guys.
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I don't think we really need smart playlist functions as they were in 1.4, just some minor changes and additions to what is already implemented in 2.x.

To recycle the relevant portion from this thread, and hopefully present it a little more clearly.......


Instead of have 'Dynamic Playlists' and 'My Playlists',  have 'Edit/Create Playlist' and 'Saved Playlists' and have the option to use the bias resolver to populate the list always available, whether dynamic mode is enabled or not.

So dynamic playlist would change to 'Edit/Create Playlist' and  instead of the On/Off button you would have a 'Dynamic/Static' button.

Repopulate would never be greyed out.

In addition to 'Proportional Bias' and 'Fuzzy Bias' have a third set of static options that become selectable if dynamic mode is disabled, allowing to use the bias resolver to generate a static playlist based on the number of tracks you want to populate it with or the amount of time you want it to play.

Then under Playlists, you would have all playlists, both dynamic and static and what ever playlist was currently loaded could be edited by going to the create/edit tab.


Not being a developer maybe it is a bit much to ask for all of that, I don't know, but at least adding additional options to the dynamic playlist section for creating a static playlist and having it saved in 'My Playlists'  doesn't seem like too awful much of a stretch if using the existing bias stuff to populate the list.

Later, Seeker


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