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Amarok 2 - 10 minutes of sorrow

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Amarok 2 - 10 minutes of sorrow

Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:07 pm
Oh, boy...
I'm really, really sorry about telling you that. But it's true: I can't remeber the time for me to be such disappointed.
I've been waiting for A2 for so long, I was dreaming of it, and now.... Oh, it's too sad.

But let me explain.

1. Playlist. Why it is there? Watching my playlist is more important than watching lyrics. IMHO.
2. All of these plasma things. Yes, it's very nice, but how come it takes the main position? I think that plug-ins are less important than the main functionality.
3. What about some settings? What I like about Amarok 1 - it's very flexible. I could set everything up. I've opened the Setting menu in A2. What did I see? Almost nothing.
4. The engine. I've got some problems with my sound driver. I've got oss, but it was set up manually, so my systems uses it fine, but tells me that there's no sound system at all :) A1 had tried to send some errors like "no audio device", but I've chosed "oss" and everything was fine. A2 didn't say a thing, it just started to play music... without any sound. And no settings again!
5. There were several songs in the playlist. And after the first song A2 just stopped. And after the 2nd he stopped too. Why?

I know that you have spent so much time to make it. But I got back to A1, and feel better now. I'm sorry, I really am. It's hard to say, but A1 is great, A2 is... well, it is not. Let me pretend that it was just a bad dream. I'd better keep waiting for A2Real.



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