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Some Feature requests

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Some Feature requests

Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:22 pm
These might be in the pipeline, but her goes anyway-

1. The possibility to decide what info is shown in the "Current track info". This is crucial, and if it is implemented the new design will work. The same goes for the playlist really it would be great if one could rate tracks in the playlist wihout haveing to go into the track information. 

2. It should be possible to set "last played" filter not only to a date, but also relatively to "last week" och one month and so on. Also, at least in the swedish translation, the options for last played is "more than" and "less than" which is confusing when we're talking about dates. Should be before and after.

3. The Wikipedia window is very ugly. you have to scroll to the side to see the info. wouldn't it be possible to override the stylesheet and display it in a way that works for such a small space?

4. Statistics. Obviously.

5. The new dynamic playlists are a great idea. I'd like it to be a bit tighter though, you tend to pile a lot of stuff to create the perfect list and that leads to a lot of scrolling. This is a pure design issue.

6. The track playing should stand out a little more in the playlist. Right now the track selected is ephasized much more, should be the other way around I think.

7. It would be very cool if you could get a bit more info a bout songs when playing a stream from Not only the info about the soong and artist, but I really would like to see, when play my recommendations, what my similar artist are to that song.

I'm sure there will be more, but this is all I can think of at the moment. Looking forward to 2.1!


Last edited by Pah on Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Some Feature requests

Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:11 pm
1 and 3 definitely.

Pah wrote:7. It would be very cool if you could get a bit more info a bout songs when playing a stream from Not only the info about the soong and artist, but I really would like to see, when play my recommendations, what my similar artist are to that song.

I think a context browser widget which displays the information (such as in the official scrobbler). I seem to remember this contained information such as similar artists, as well as the band page from the wiki.

As for the Wikipedia window, I also think it would be nice to support links (opening non-wikipedia pages in external browser) and have buttons to chose band/album/song info.

Also looking forward to 2.1, anyone have any idea how far I'm looking? I can't seem to find any date information anywhere, not even a rough estimate.


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