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2.0: Playcount and Score Again

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2.0: Playcount and Score Again

Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:47 am

In reading the previous posts on this, it seems that the "playcount" has been re-worked in 2.0 to no longer been the count of times a track was started, but now a count whether a track was allowed to play for a certain time.

This is presumably to allow people to keep track of how many times a track was played - for whatever reason people might want this.

My use of the playcount was different, and more in line with the original intention I think.  I used it to track how many times a track was intended to play, and so influence the score if it was skipped.

So my dynamic playlist was simple - only ever play songs that have a good score (now with fuzziness to give low score songs another chance) *or* songs where the playcount was low.  This is because newly added songs to the collection will have a score of 50.  I want new songs to play more frequently than old songs,  At least until they get played enough for the score to reflect if I like it.

Now that the playcount doesn't increment unless the song has been played for long enough, it can't be used for this anymore - because songs I don't like will retain a low playcount and keep getting back into the play list.

So is there another method of prioritising ((new songs) or (high score songs))?  Or even better, to change the algorithm that defines when a song playcount is incremented?


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Re: 2.0: Playcount and Score Again

Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:23 am
[Damn - I seem to have typoed my account name and created "paulakon".  If a mod is passing by, could you delete the paulakon account (and merge its posts with this one if possible)].

So I haven't figure out a way of working score and playcount in the same way that I used to.

My dynamic playlist is intended to play either new songs (low play count) or good songs (high score).

If I immediately don't like a new song, I want to skip it.  This means that the playcount stays low meeting the first requirement for it to be included in the play list is kept.  This means that any new songs that I don't like are included in the play list perpetually!  The only way under this regime is to listen to songs I don't like over and over again to to get the play count up so that the low score is acknowledged and they then get played less regularly.  This is clearly bonkers.

Does no one else do this?  If you do, how are you doing it?
Registered Member

Re: 2.0: Playcount and Score Again

Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:38 am
Perhaps what is needed is two counters.  A play count that indicates how many times the majority of a song was played - which would meet the requirements of those who want to track favorite songs by the amount of times they are listened to.

And then another count that shows how many times a track was started.  This would enable a dynamic play list to track new songs (low start count).

This would solve the current problem of a dynamic play list that prioritises new songs or high score songs, which will forever play songs that you have never really liked from the first listen, but have never had a play count increment because they are skipped early every time.


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