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Upgrading Amarok 2 - doesn't? [SOLVED]

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Again thanks for Amarok guys, I love it.  I need to upgrade to amarok2 as I hope it will work with my external 1TB collection of a mix of MP3's and other formats.

I have been using linux mint KDE and I could not upgrade my Amarok 1 to Amarok 2.  Why?  Well I do the update through apt-get after updating the sources list and it downloads and seems to upgrade Amarok.  When I launch Amarok it is still Amarok 1.  I'm looking for this interface that there are a few complaints about and nothing.  When I go into the help->about menu I see it is still 1.4.

So I thought I would try Kubuntu which I downloaded and installed today with no issues.  It came with Amarok 1.4 and I went though the update as per the instructions by adding the repository to the adept 3rd party repositories and downloaded Amarok 2.  It says it is amarok 2 in Adept but when I run Amarok it is still amarok 1.4 (although the build is March 12 2009.

I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the whole of amarok with reboots in between to no avail.  Can someone please tell me how stupid I am being or what I need to do to get it going?

Many thanks again for the hard work guys, and to be honest if the interface is what I've seen from the screenshots I doubt there will be an issue for me.

Last edited by nyamanza on Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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KDE Developer

Re: Upgrading Amarok 2 - doesn't?

Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:20 am
If you follow these instructions precisely, it should work:

(You may have forgotten the last step.)

Mark Kretschmann - Amarok Developer
Registered Member

Re: Upgrading Amarok 2 - doesn't?

Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:40 pm
Hey Mark,

Thanks for the reply.  I followed the link you posted and checked that I followed all steps.  The last step which calls for looking for the package amarok-kde4 bring up nothing in my list.

Looking through the package list when I do the "fetch updates" I see the it updates from
deb intrepid main

When I search for amarok it shows that version 2:1.4.1-Oubuntu 3.1 is installed which is a little confusing as when I launch Amarok I see it is still version 1.

Again thanks for the reply!
Registered Member

Re: Upgrading Amarok 2 - doesn't?

Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:04 pm

After my previous post I decided to try install the kde-4 package via apt instead of adept and it worked fine, I now have Amarok2 installed and running!  YAY!

I do have a few questions regarding Amarok 2 but I'll dig around the forums first and then see if I still need to post.

Thanks guys!


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