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Managing ipod sync when collection bigger than ipod

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If my collection is 4GB and my ipod is 2GB then I can only get part of my collection on the ipod at any one time. I want to be able to manage my full collection and move stuff on and off the ipod as I get bored/want a change.

I've had a brief play with dynamic playlists in A1.4, which seem like it will handle the automated "put new stuff on" part, but I also want to be able to manually add and remove some stuff, while keeping real favourites on.

I can do that (in A1.4, at least; not sure about A2.0/2.1beta), but its more difficult than it should be because I can't see the ipod contents at the same as the main collection (because they are separate tree views). So I end up adding tracks that are already on the ipod 'cos I forget what I've got...  doesn't break but I then have to go back and find some more tracks to add...

I think I just want to see a combined "all collections" view with markers on each track showing which collections its in (HD only, ipod only, both). Is that possible?

Currently running A1.4 from ppa on Ubuntu Jaunty but solutions for A2.0/2.1 welcome. For that matter, solutions for other (mass storage USB) media players would be good, too.


Last edited by mishad on Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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What approach do people normally use to manage the collection on their portable devices?



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