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[v2.1] Collection View questions (+ feature requests)

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Hello everyone,

I just upgraded from 1.4 to 2.1, and first of all I wanted to thank all developers and contributors for the impressive work they (you) have achieved! Although the newest version might still not be as powerful as the old one, I think that the potential of the 2.x wolf is far bigger than that of the old chap. :-)

Still, I would like to ask about some minor issues I came across while playing around:
- My collection consists of directories both on my laptop hard drive (always mounted) and on an external hard drive (mounted when needed). When using 1.4, the collection list automatically left out the entries for tracks on the external drive, whenever it wasn't available/mounted. As soon as I connected the drive and did the automount dance, my collection list was complete again. Highly practical if you ask me, that way I always knew what music I was actually able to hear! Now, am I just unable to configure the collection correctly, or is this feature not (yet) implemented?
- Where have the alphabetical segmentations in the collection list gone? With a large collection, it used to be a lot more comfortable to scroll around the list when you quickly knew what first letter you were just looking at, without having to look any closer.
- Somehow I feel lost when trying to manage playlist creation. As cool as the ultra flexible dynamic playlist stuff might be (I'm quite intimidated by that, to be honest ;-) ), I would first like to be able to do some simple tasks like "load all tracks with a rating larger than 0" or "Never Played Tracks" (you know, like in 1.4). I *know* that I can do this with dynamic playlists, but actually I don't want them to be *that* dynamic. Load it one time, then forget it. I didn't quite understand how Amarok decides how many tracks it would actually add to the playlist. And clicking on "Repopulate" just adds some more songs to the list. Any help on that?
- Coming to a close, a REALLY minor issue: Could you reintegrate the "feature", that as soon as you search for say an artist in the collection list, the most likely match would expand, so that I could see the next level (e.g. albums)? If I want to listen to a specific album or song by this artist, that would make it one nice click less.

I would love to hear your feedback and if already implemented, some advice on how to handle this beast. :-)
Sorry if I double-posted some requests, I did a quick search but didn't find related stuff..

Best wishes and a BIG thanks once more,
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KDE Developer
EdgarStein wrote:- Where have the alphabetical segmentations in the collection list gone? With a large collection, it used to be a lot more comfortable to scroll around the list when you quickly knew what first letter you were just looking at, without having to look any closer.

We plan to bring this feature back in a later version (it's on TODO).

(sorry, don't have time for your other questions right now)

Mark Kretschmann - Amarok Developer


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