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Search for tracks without cover art

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Search for tracks without cover art

Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:38 am
Amarok forum,

I am using Amarok 1.4 (tried version 2, but it still will not import my playlists)

I am in the process of cleaning and organizing my collection. One thing I am trying to do is ensure that every track has some album art attached so that when I transfer it to my music player (Android phone), I get a graphic when the track plays.

As I'm sure you all know, Amarok keeps album art connected with a track in it's database, but not actually embedded in the track. Which means cover art seen in Amarok doesn't transfer. However, I found a great script called "EmbedCover", which allows you to select tracks and embed the cover art Amarok has selected right into the MP3. So that's one problem solved.

My next problem is that the cover art manager only operates on tracks that have an Album field defined.

Over the last ten years, like many people, I have gathered music from just about every source one can imagine. It's not just that some tracks have lost their original album information, some are tracks gained from RSS feeds or independent online artists that were never released as an album. Nothing that will show up on Amazon, anyway.

What I'd like to do is create a playlist that shows me all the tracks that don't have album art connected to them, and then I can work my way through them deciding what to do with each track.

However, while I can search on just about any field, I can't search based on album art. Not that I know of, anyway.

Is there a way I can find out which individual tracks have album art and which ones don't?

Thank you for any advice.


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