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Amarok does not find ID3 info for album

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I'm having a problem with Amarok 2.1 on Kubuntu 9.04. I have an album which has been there for some time, but Amarok does not see any ID3 info for it and therefore does not see it in my Collection.

:~/mp3/Jazz$ ls -ld [L-M]*
drwxr-xr-x 2 jon jon 4096 2009-05-30 19:17 Ladies of Jazz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jon jon 4096 2009-07-13 13:19 Lester Young - Teddy Wilson Quartet - Pres and Teddy
drwxr-xr-x 2 jon jon 4096 2007-04-23 21:57 Making Music

The album in question is the middle one (Lester Young...) so there does not seem to be any permission problem. And both Kid3 and id2v3 see the correct ID3 info:

$ id3v2 -l Lester\ Young\ -\ Teddy\ Wilson\ Quartet\ -\ Pres\ and\ Teddy/01\ All\ Of\ Me.mp3
id3v1 tag info for Lester Young - Teddy Wilson Quartet - Pres and Teddy/01 All Of Me.mp3:
Title  : All Of Me                      Artist: Lester Young - Teddy Wilson Qu
Album  : Pres and Teddy                  Year: 1956, Genre: Jazz (8)
Comment:                                Track: 1
id3v2 tag info for Lester Young - Teddy Wilson Quartet - Pres and Teddy/01 All Of Me.mp3:
TSSE (Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding): LAME 32bits version 3.98 (
TIT2 (Title/songname/content description): All Of Me
TPE1 (Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)): Lester Young - Teddy Wilson Quartet
TYER (Year): 1956
TRCK (Track number/Position in set): 1
TLEN (Length): 310333
TCON (Content type): Jazz (8)
TALB (Album/Movie/Show title): Pres and Teddy
jon@jon-desktop:~/mp3/Jazz$ id3v2 -l Lester\ Young\ -\ Teddy\ Wilson\ Quartet\ -\ Pres\ and\ Teddy/* |grep TALB
TALB (Album/Movie/Show title): Pres and Teddy
TALB (Album/Movie/Show title): Pres and Teddy
TALB (Album/Movie/Show title): Pres and Teddy
TALB (Album/Movie/Show title): Pres and Teddy
TALB (Album/Movie/Show title): Pres and Teddy
TALB (Album/Movie/Show title): Pres and Teddy
TALB (Album/Movie/Show title): Pres and Teddy

But if I use the Amarok Files display, which sees them, to Edit at the track details (ID3 ), ALL fields are BLANK!

In fact, I have this problem for a number of albums (I've found 3 already)!

What gives?  Thanks in advance.

Last edited by joneall on Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I just tried out Banshee, which I don't like nearly as well as Amarok (little support for genre, listing by track rather than by album, etc.) but at least it finds all the ID3 data.

This has to be a bug.


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