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Album list view -- sort by artist?

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Album list view -- sort by artist?

Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:20 pm
This is sort of a feature request, but it's entirely possible I've just missed some configuration option. Basically I'd like to be able to sort the album-cover list view by artist, with an artist name as a header for each one.

I really like the idea of having all the album covers in front of you without having to expand each artist individually, but in fact it seems kind of silly to sort this view by album title. I understand there's also a sort-by-artist view, but that inconviently (for me) disables the first-level album art, which I find to be the most aesthetically pleasing and useful view. Speaking as someone who has only done small bits of C/C++ programming (heh), this seems like a very simple change. I suppose it could be possible to work around this in a way by retagging the album field to "Artist - Album" but that seems very ungainly. Any thoughts?


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