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Amarok fails to play continuously

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Registered Member

Amarok fails to play continuously

Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:39 am
Hello All;

I have been using amarok with ubuntu for a couple years now, ever since I started migrating my CD's to my PC. Lately I added mythTV on another LV and it also uses a version of SQL.

I'm wondering if there may be some conflict between my mythTV SQL and my amarok SQL???

Since installing mythTV my amarok has gotten more and more flaky. It used to play continuously for as long as I wanted to let it. Now it quits after almost every track and even crashes at the end ofa track on a regular basis.

I'm about ready to blow away the working copy of amarok and re-install a fresh copy from scratch. Problem is, if the mythTV-SQL install is causing some interference, how can I be sure that a re-install of amarok will restore its normal behavior?

Any ideas folks?
CT :-/
If you are using an embedded MySQLe, there should be no interference.
User avatar
This sounds more like a problem with the sound backend. Make sure to use the xine backend in Phonon, not the gstreamer one.

Running Kubuntu 22.10 with Plasma 5.26.3, Frameworks 5.100.0, Qt 5.15.6, kernel 5.19.0-23 on Ryzen 5 4600H, AMD Renoir, X11
FWIW: it's always useful to state the exact Plasma version (+ distribution) when asking questions, makes it easier to help ...
Registered Member
OK, a bit more info...

I'm pretty sure this is NOT an "audio" problem. Amarok plays fine. One track. Then it crashes.

When I restart it, it uses 100% of CPU on one core for several minutes. That's not a big deal since I assume it is re-scanning my collection (~33,000 files). My collection has not grown substantially in the period of concern (eg, <500 files). As stated earlier, the only substantial change on the system was setting up mythTV. Ergo....

I have not changed any settings, but here's the details:
I have pulseaudio for front end and xine for the back end.

Maybe this will help troubleshoot?

What will help to troubleshoot is you running Amarok from the console,

Code: Select all
amarok --debug

You should be able to see what's happening when your CPU use shoots up.

Just a note -- PulseAudio helps some people, and causes endless problems for others. Amarok doesn't use it. You'll be using Xine-Phonon, actually. PA should be removed if it's causing your problems.

Registered Member
Thanks Valorie.

I routinely have a shell or console open with 'top' running and I rarely see anything else of concern there. That's where I see cpu going to 100% for amarok sometimes. The only other thing that does gets >50% with any frequency is npviewer. In particular, pulseaudio does not get over a few % afaict.

Anyway, here's output as requested:
user:~$ sudo amarok --debug
[sudo] password for user:
Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-user" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
Error: "/tmp/kde-user" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
Home directory /home/user not ours.
Object::connect: No such signal BrowserCategoryList::leavingTree()
Object::connect: (sender name: 'internet')
<unknown program name>(17843)/: Communication problem with "amarok" , it probably crashed.
Error message was: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." "

NB; I used sudo b/c amarok was already running. I got a popup from KDE that said something like "pulseaudio has been removed".

I set amarok to use pulseaudio back when I was setting up the system b/c I was getting no audio with some multimedia files and pulseaudio fixed that.

I reiterate that all was working fine until recently and I do not think I made any changes that should affect amarok. This is mystifying me.

You shouldn't be running Amarok as root. Please quit (control-Q) the other Amarok, and run with --debug. If you want to run more than one instance, run --nofork also.

If Amarok is crashing or freezing, you can do a backtrace. ... sh_reports for more information.


PS: if you have a lot of output, you might want to file a bug, and paste it in that info screen. If you decide to do this, please search the bug database first, and attach your information to a matching bug if you find one. Only file a new report if it's a new bug.
Registered Member
OK Valorie, I tried to do as you suggest. I hope the result is helpful; here is output:

user:~$ amarok --debug
Object::connect: No such signal BrowserCategoryList::leavingTree()
Object::connect: (sender name: 'internet')
<unknown program name>(9922)/: Communication problem with "amarok" , it probably crashed.
Error message was: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." "

user:~$ Object::connect: No such signal BrowserCategoryList::leavingTree()
Object::connect: (sender name: 'root list')
Object::connect: No such slot BrowserWidget::categoryChanged()
Object::connect: (sender name: 'root list')
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Playlist::SortWidget "", which already has a layout
QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
Object::connect: No such signal BrowserWidget::widgetActivated( int )
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'MainWindow')
Object::connect: No such signal CollectionWidget::home()
Object::connect: (sender name: 'collections')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'root list')
Object::connect: No such signal ServiceBrowser::home()
Object::connect: (sender name: 'internet')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'root list')
Object::connect: No such signal BrowserCategoryList::leavingTree()
Object::connect: (sender name: 'playlists')
Object::connect: No such signal PlaylistBrowserNS::DynamicCategory::home()
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'playlists')
"building tree with 7 leafs."
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QIcon : QVariant(QIcon, )
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QIcon : QVariant(QIcon, )
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QIcon : QVariant(QIcon, )
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QIcon : QVariant(QIcon, )
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QIcon : QVariant(QIcon, )
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QIcon : QVariant(QIcon, )
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QIcon : QVariant(QIcon, )
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
QString : QVariant(QString, "")
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Object::connect: No such signal PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistCategory::home()
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'playlists')
Object::connect: No such signal PlaylistBrowserNS::PodcastCategory::home()
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'playlists')
Object::connect: No such signal PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::home()
Object::connect: (sender name: 'playlists')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'root list')
Object::connect: No such signal FileBrowser::Widget::home()
Object::connect: (sender name: 'files')
Object::connect: (receiver name: 'root list')
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on a null pixmap
QPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on a null pixmap
QPainter::translate: Painter not active
QPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted
Object::connect: No such signal Playlist::GroupingProxy::activeRowChanged( int )
Object::connect: (sender name: 'GroupingProxy')
Object::connect: No such signal Playlist::GroupingProxy::activeRowChanged( int )
Object::connect: (sender name: 'GroupingProxy')
QDir::exists: Empty or null file name
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on a null pixmap
QPainter::setRenderHint: Painter must be active to set rendering hints
QPainter::translate: Painter not active
QPainter::save: Painter not active
QPainter::translate: Painter not active
QPainter::rotate: Painter not active
QPainter::restore: Unbalanced save/restore
QPainter::rotate: Painter not active
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range
Object::connect: No such signal Playlist::GroupingProxy::activeRowChanged( int )
Object::connect: (sender name: 'GroupingProxy')
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range

I am confused by the apparent interruption and resumption of the command. Is this normal?

As of this writing, amarok is playing... yet to be seen how long it continues, but I will leave the shell open in case any further output occurs.

Registered Member

Re: Amarok fails to play continuously

Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:23 pm

OK, Amarok played for about an hour or less. During that time it halted several times and had to be manually resumed by clicking on a playlist CD-icon. Eventually it crashed, but it played about 5 tracks continuously at the beginning.

Clearly this is one of those hideous 'intermittent' failures, but /here is the shell debug output/ from the last played track:

amarok: END__: void Playlist::PrettyListView::fixInvisible() - Took 0.064s
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan()
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan()
amarok: END__: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() - Took 0.00027s
amarok: GOING TO SCAN:
amarok: Scanning nothing, return.
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile()
amarok: END__: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile() - Took 0.00017s
amarok: END__: void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan() - Took 0.00068s
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range
amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::PrettyListView::scrollToActiveTrack()
amarok: [Playlist::PrettyListView] skipping scroll? false
amarok: END__: void Playlist::PrettyListView::scrollToActiveTrack() - Took 0.00017s
amarok: [Playlist::GroupingProxy] [WARNING!] DEPRECATED: int Playlist::GroupingProxy::groupRowCount(int) const

amarok: [Playlist::GroupingProxy] [WARNING!] DEPRECATED: int Playlist::GroupingProxy::groupRowCount(int) const

amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::PrettyListView::trackActivated(const QModelIndex&)
amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::Actions::play(quint64, bool)
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::play(const Meta::TrackPtr&, uint)
amarok: [EngineController] Just a normal, boring track... :-P
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::playUrl(const KUrl&, uint)
amarok: [EngineController] URL: "file:///home/ltm/audio/Music/Jefferson%20Airplane/Jefferson%20Airplane%20Takes%20Off%20(1966)/09.%20Let's%20Get%20Together.mp3"
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::slotNewTrackPlaying(const Phonon::MediaSource&)
amarok: [EngineController] Using gain of 0 with relative peak of 0
amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::PrettyListView::scrollToActiveTrack()
amarok: [Playlist::PrettyListView] skipping scroll? true
amarok: END__: void Playlist::PrettyListView::scrollToActiveTrack() - Took 9.5e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void TimecodeObserver::engineNewTrackPlaying()
amarok: END__: virtual void TimecodeObserver::engineNewTrackPlaying() - Took 2.1e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineNewTrackPlaying()
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int)
amarok: new length: 281
amarok: slider enabled!
amarok: BEGIN: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks()
amarok: found 0 timecodes on this track
amarok: END__: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks() - Took 0.00081s
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int) - Took 0.0009s
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineNewTrackPlaying() - Took 0.00094s
amarok: returning bookmarkcurrenttrack action
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.082s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.043s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Context::ContextView::engineNewTrackPlaying()
amarok: BEGIN: void WikipediaEngine::update()
amarok: BEGIN: bool EngineController::isStream()
amarok: END__: bool EngineController::isStream() - Took 2.2e-05s
amarok: Same entry requested again. Ignoring.
amarok: END__: void WikipediaEngine::update() - Took 9.6e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void CurrentEngine::message(const Context::ContextState&)
amarok: BEGIN: void CurrentEngine::update()
amarok: END__: void CurrentEngine::update() - Took 0.0058s
amarok: END__: virtual void CurrentEngine::message(const Context::ContextState&) - Took 0.0059s
amarok: END__: virtual void Context::ContextView::engineNewTrackPlaying() - Took 0.006s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineNewTrackPlaying()
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int)
amarok: new length: 281
amarok: slider enabled!
amarok: BEGIN: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks()
amarok: found 0 timecodes on this track
amarok: END__: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks() - Took 0.00082s
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int) - Took 0.0009s
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineNewTrackPlaying() - Took 0.00094s
amarok: END__: void EngineController::slotNewTrackPlaying(const Phonon::MediaSource&) - Took 0.22s
amarok: END__: void EngineController::playUrl(const KUrl&, uint) - Took 0.22s
amarok: END__: void EngineController::play(const Meta::TrackPtr&, uint) - Took 0.22s
amarok: END__: void Playlist::Actions::play(quint64, bool) - Took 0.24s
amarok: END__: void Playlist::PrettyListView::trackActivated(const QModelIndex&) - Took 0.24s
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::slotTrackLengthChanged(qint64)
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int)
amarok: new length: 152
amarok: slider enabled!
amarok: BEGIN: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks()
amarok: found 0 timecodes on this track
amarok: END__: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks() - Took 0.00084s
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int) - Took 0.00092s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int)
amarok: new length: 152
amarok: slider enabled!
amarok: BEGIN: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks()
amarok: found 0 timecodes on this track
amarok: END__: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks() - Took 0.00065s
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int) - Took 0.00071s
amarok: END__: void EngineController::slotTrackLengthChanged(qint64) - Took 0.0017s
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::slotStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineSubject::stateChangedNotify(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: returning bookmarkcurrenttrack action
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void MainWindow::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: [MainWindow] Phonon state: 3
amarok: END__: virtual void MainWindow::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 4e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Amarok::PlayPauseAction::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: END__: virtual void Amarok::PlayPauseAction::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 6.4e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Amarok::OSD::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: END__: virtual void Amarok::OSD::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 2e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 1.9e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void SqlPodcastProvider::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: END__: virtual void SqlPodcastProvider::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 9.1e-05s
amarok: returning bookmarkcurrenttrack action
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 2.7e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void StatusBar::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: END__: virtual void StatusBar::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 2e-05s
amarok: END__: void EngineSubject::stateChangedNotify(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 0.02s
amarok: END__: void EngineController::slotStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 0.02s
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::slotTrackLengthChanged(qint64)
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int)
amarok: new length: 152
amarok: slider enabled!
amarok: BEGIN: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks()
amarok: found 0 timecodes on this track
amarok: END__: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks() - Took 0.00085s
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int) - Took 0.00091s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int)
amarok: new length: 152
amarok: slider enabled!
amarok: BEGIN: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks()
amarok: found 0 timecodes on this track
amarok: END__: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks() - Took 0.00064s
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int) - Took 0.0007s
amarok: END__: void EngineController::slotTrackLengthChanged(qint64) - Took 0.0017s
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::slotStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineSubject::stateChangedNotify(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: returning bookmarkcurrenttrack action
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void MainWindow::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: [MainWindow] Phonon state: 2
amarok: END__: virtual void MainWindow::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 9.3e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Amarok::PlayPauseAction::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: END__: virtual void Amarok::PlayPauseAction::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 5.5e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Amarok::OSD::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: BEGIN: void OSDWidget::show(const QString&, QImage)
amarok: END__: void OSDWidget::show(const QString&, QImage) - Took 9.8e-05s
amarok: END__: virtual void Amarok::OSD::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 0.0073s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 3.8e-05s
amarok: returning bookmarkcurrenttrack action
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void SqlPodcastProvider::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: END__: virtual void SqlPodcastProvider::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 8.6e-05s
amarok: returning bookmarkcurrenttrack action
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 3.2e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void StatusBar::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State)
amarok: PlayingState: clear text
amarok: END__: virtual void StatusBar::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 0.00053s
amarok: END__: void EngineSubject::stateChangedNotify(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 0.024s
amarok: END__: void EngineController::slotStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 0.024s
amarok: BEGIN: void CurrentTrack::dataUpdated(const QString&, const QHash<QString, QVariant>&)
amarok: END__: void CurrentTrack::dataUpdated(const QString&, const QHash<QString, QVariant>&) - Took 0.00049s
QColor::setHsvF: HSV parameters out of range
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan()
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan()
amarok: END__: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() - Took 0.00022s
amarok: GOING TO SCAN:
amarok: Scanning nothing, return.
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile()
amarok: END__: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile() - Took 0.0002s
amarok: END__: void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan() - Took 0.00064s
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan()
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan()
amarok: END__: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() - Took 0.00032s
amarok: GOING TO SCAN:
amarok: Scanning nothing, return.
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile()
amarok: END__: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile() - Took 0.00016s
amarok: END__: void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan() - Took 0.00072s
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::slotAboutToFinish()
amarok: [EngineController] Track finished completely, updating statistics
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void WikipediaEngine::metadataChanged(Meta::TrackPtr)
amarok: BEGIN: void WikipediaEngine::update()
amarok: BEGIN: bool EngineController::isStream()
amarok: END__: bool EngineController::isStream() - Took 3e-05s
amarok: Same entry requested again. Ignoring.
amarok: END__: void WikipediaEngine::update() - Took 0.00011s
amarok: END__: virtual void WikipediaEngine::metadataChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) - Took 0.0002s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.1s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.056s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.06s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.085s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.11s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.11s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.066s
amarok: [Playlist::Model] Metadata updated for track "Let's Get Together"
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void WikipediaEngine::metadataChanged(Meta::TrackPtr)
amarok: BEGIN: void WikipediaEngine::update()
amarok: BEGIN: bool EngineController::isStream()
amarok: END__: bool EngineController::isStream() - Took 3.2e-05s
amarok: Same entry requested again. Ignoring.
amarok: END__: void WikipediaEngine::update() - Took 0.00016s
amarok: END__: virtual void WikipediaEngine::metadataChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) - Took 0.00024s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.08s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.028s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.027s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.028s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.028s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.029s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.028s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.029s
amarok: [Playlist::Model] Metadata updated for track "Let's Get Together"
amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::Actions::requestNextTrack()
amarok: [Playlist::Actions] so far so good!
amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::Actions::play(quint64, bool)
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::setNextTrack(Meta::TrackPtr)
amarok: [EngineController] locking mutex
amarok: [EngineController] locked!
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::play(const Meta::TrackPtr&, uint)
amarok: [EngineController] Just a normal, boring track... :-P
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::playUrl(const KUrl&, uint)
amarok: [EngineController] URL: "file:///home/ltm/audio/Music/Matchbox%2020/09.%20Downfall.wav"
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::slotNewTrackPlaying(const Phonon::MediaSource&)
amarok: [EngineController] Using gain of 0 with relative peak of 0
QDir::exists: Empty or null file name
amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::PrettyListView::scrollToActiveTrack()
amarok: [Playlist::PrettyListView] skipping scroll? false
amarok: END__: void Playlist::PrettyListView::scrollToActiveTrack() - Took 0.045s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void TimecodeObserver::engineNewTrackPlaying()
amarok: curent track name: "09. Downfall"
amarok: Track timecodeable
amarok: END__: virtual void TimecodeObserver::engineNewTrackPlaying() - Took 7.1e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineNewTrackPlaying()
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int)
amarok: new length: 0
amarok: slider enabled!
amarok: BEGIN: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks()
amarok: found 0 timecodes on this track
amarok: END__: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks() - Took 0.00084s
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int) - Took 0.00093s
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineNewTrackPlaying() - Took 0.00099s
amarok: returning bookmarkcurrenttrack action
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.036s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset()
amarok: END__: virtual void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 0.028s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Context::ContextView::engineNewTrackPlaying()
amarok: BEGIN: void WikipediaEngine::update()
amarok: BEGIN: bool EngineController::isStream()
amarok: END__: bool EngineController::isStream() - Took 2.6e-05s
amarok: wiki url: ""
amarok: END__: void WikipediaEngine::update() - Took 0.00028s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void CurrentEngine::message(const Context::ContextState&)
amarok: BEGIN: void CurrentEngine::update()
amarok: END__: void CurrentEngine::update() - Took 0.0021s
amarok: END__: virtual void CurrentEngine::message(const Context::ContextState&) - Took 0.0022s
amarok: END__: virtual void Context::ContextView::engineNewTrackPlaying() - Took 0.0025s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineNewTrackPlaying()
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int)
amarok: new length: 0
amarok: slider enabled!
amarok: BEGIN: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks()
amarok: found 0 timecodes on this track
amarok: END__: void ProgressWidget::redrawBookmarks() - Took 0.00083s
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineTrackLengthChanged(long int) - Took 0.00093s
amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineNewTrackPlaying() - Took 0.00099s
amarok: END__: void EngineController::slotNewTrackPlaying(const Phonon::MediaSource&) - Took 0.16s
amarok: END__: void EngineController::playUrl(const KUrl&, uint) - Took 0.16s
amarok: END__: void EngineController::play(const Meta::TrackPtr&, uint) - Took 0.16s
amarok: END__: void EngineController::setNextTrack(Meta::TrackPtr) - Took 0.16s
amarok: END__: void Playlist::Actions::play(quint64, bool) - Took 0.16s
amarok: END__: void Playlist::Actions::requestNextTrack() - Took 0.16s
amarok: END__: void EngineController::slotAboutToFinish() - Took 6.4s
KCrash: Application 'amarok' crashing...


Re: Amarok fails to play continuously

Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:53 pm
If you are getting a crash, you can get a backtrace. Please see ... e_with_GDB for more information. You'll need this when you file a bug. Have you searched for bugs matching yours? You might do that first, so you can paste in your bt to that bug, rather than filing a duplicate. If you find no matches, please feel free to file a new bug. It's very important to give the developers all relevent info, since it's possible this isn't an *Amarok* bug per se.
Registered Member
Thanks Valorie,

I did rummage about looking for similar bugs. I got some with the search terms I used, but on inspection the circumstances were different, so this may be a new bug.

What gets me is that all was OK and amarok suddenly started misbehaving. Even now it will be fine for a while, then crash. I used to be able to leave amarok on, at least silent, for days to weeks with no problem.

I'll definitely do all I can to help the dev team, but this is very frustrating right now.

CT :((
User avatar

Re: Amarok fails to play continuously

Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:37 pm
But please, don't paste this in the forum, a crash report definitely belongs to the bug tracker, as stated in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=115&t=67238

Running Kubuntu 22.10 with Plasma 5.26.3, Frameworks 5.100.0, Qt 5.15.6, kernel 5.19.0-23 on Ryzen 5 4600H, AMD Renoir, X11
FWIW: it's always useful to state the exact Plasma version (+ distribution) when asking questions, makes it easier to help ...
Registered Member
OK, folks- I figured this out; here's the scenario:

amarok regularly halted, scanning playlist or collection apparently, and using up to 100% of cpu (on one core). I can identify the behavior now because I figured out how to fix it.

First, I observed that the # of tracks listed for my collection was wrong. Also, some tracks would come up in playlist that I had deleted. So I deleted the playlist and copied the collection over to the playlist window [frame].

That didn't work. In fact, some of the tracks were then listed twice. Next I deleted the playlist and collection, set amarok to re-scan collection and rebuilt the playlist. Again, results were bad.

Finally, I created a dummy folder, pointed collection at that, let amarok scan it, then deleted the tracks in amarok (just to fully 'erase' stuff) then pointed amarok back at the real collection folder and rebuilt the playlist again.

That time it worked. The collection scan showed the correct number of tracks and the playlist was good- no duplicates at least. Since then amarok has been a bit slow between tracks (my collection is 80k+ tracks!) and new additions still cause amarok to chew up CPU, but it doesn't hang or crash anymore.


PS: I would have posted sooner, but I had router problems.:-/ But that's another story.


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