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Have Amarok as a server type thing

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Have Amarok as a server type thing

Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:07 pm
I'm not sure of the terminology. I tried looking up on Google what I was trying to do, but I kept finding information about having a MySQL server, which is not what I'm after.

I have a few computers in my home LAN. On of the machines has Mythbuntu, and is where I have Amarok installed. It's where I store all my music, and videos, and use it as a file server.

When I run Amarok from any of the other machines, I use SSH to connect to the Mythbuntu machine and run it from there. That way I can keep all my settings and everything in one place.

Of course, when I run an instance of Amarok from my laptop, if I shut off the laptop, Amarok shuts down to. Perfectly normal.

However, I recently installed an app on my Android phone that can control Amarok to a limited degree. If I have Amarok running on one of the machines, this app connect to it.

I realized that's how I want Amarok to be with my computers as well. Instead of running a separate instance of it from different machines, I want to have an instance of it running on the machine it's installed on, and then control it from different machines.

Is that possible? Can I set up Amarok as a sort of music server, and connect to it from other computers to control it like I do with the Android app?

I hope my question is clear.

Thank you for any advice.
I think you are looking for an Ampache server, which you can use with Amarok. More about that here: ... ns/Ampache

Hope this helps!
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Thank you for responding.

That is either what I'm looking for, or close to it, but I'm not sure I fully understand.

I think what Ampache does is allow the same music collection and database to be accessible on the net, so that it can be accessed by different instances of Amarok.

However, this still means that if I go to one computer and open amarok and being playing, and then open another amarok instance on another computer and play something there, the two amarok instances will be playing different songs.

Whereas, using my Android app as an example, if I open an instance of Amarok on my computer via SSH, and then I access it with the android app, they're playing the same song, so actions I take on one take effect on the other.

It's behaviour similar to how the app works that I'm trying to achieve.

If I understand Ampache correctly, it works differently than that.

I know what I'm trying to do is a little difficult to describe, so I hope I'm being clear.
You seem to be discussing two separate issues, if I understand you correctly. First you want to control Amarok remotely. is one solution; there may be others.

Secondly, you are looking for Amarok to stream. It's made to get and play streams, not stream itself. IJDC seems to be what you want:
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Not sure that I understand what you're trying to do, but I'll give you an outline of my setup and how it works:

I have all my music stored on a server in a closet that is running 24/7.

Around my home, I have seven computers scattered throughout the rooms, mostly laptops.

I run Amarok on my server, and I access the user interface via VNC from whatever machine I happen to be in front of at the time.

I use PulseAudio to redirect the audio from my server either to the machine I'm in front, or more commonly, to one of the two machines I have hooked up to amplifiers/speakers (or to the speakers in my kitchen, which are hooked up directly to the audio card on the server).

One of these two machines actually run close to 24/7 and is setup with dual audio cards, one serving my living room speakers, the other my bedroom speakers (where, with a plug-in, Amarok serves as my alarm clock).

Since Amarok runs in a VNC-only environment on my server, I can shut down any machine at home except the server, at it keeps going. If I want to control Amarok, I can use any computer at home (or even at work) to do so. I suppose I could even use a VNC client on my phone if I were so inclined.


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