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Amarok 1.4-beta1 report

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Amarok 1.4-beta1 report

Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:29 am

I tried to get 1.4 running on my system (suse 9.3). I downloaded the sources and compiled them successfully. When I tried to start Amarok, I saw the spash screen and a KDE-copy-window and then the KDE crash-manager appeared.
launching from Konsole gave following output:

amaroK: [Loader] Starting amarokapp..
amaroK: [Loader] Don\'t run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp.
amarok: BEGIN: App::App()
amarok: BEGIN: void App::fixHyperThreading()
amarok: Fix not enabled
amarok: END__: void App::fixHyperThreading() - Took 0.00053s
amarok: BEGIN: DeviceManager::DeviceManager()
amarok: BEGIN: Medium* DeviceManager::getDevice(QString)
amarok: DeviceManager: getDevice called with name argument = init
amarok: BEGIN: QValueList DeviceManager::getDeviceList()
amarok: END__: QValueList DeviceManager::getDeviceList() - Took 0.00047s
amarok: Apparently non-removable device /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/block_4397-4865 with fstype vfat
amarok: END__: Medium* DeviceManager::getDevice(QString) - Took 0.0013s
amarok: DeviceManager: connectDCOPSignal returned sucessfully!
amarok: END__: DeviceManager::DeviceManager() - Took 0.002s
amarok: BEGIN: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&)
amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version] == 16 and [X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype] == \'engine\' and [X-KDE-amaroK-name] != \'void-engine\' and [X-KDE-amaroK-rank] > 0
amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version] == 16 and [X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype] == \'engine\' and [X-KDE-amaroK-name] == \'void-engine\' and [X-KDE-amaroK-rank] > 0
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_void-engine_plugin
amarok: PluginManager Service Info:
amarok: ---------------------------
amarok: name :
amarok: library : libamarok_void-engine_plugin
amarok: desktopEntryPath : amarok_void-engine_plugin.desktop
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype : engine
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-name : void-engine
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-authors : (Max Howell,Mark Kretschmann)
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-rank : 1
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-version : 1
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version: 16
amarok: END__: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&) - Took 0.022s
amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistWindow::init()
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KActionCollection::KActionCollection( QObject *parent, const char *name, KInstance *instance )
amarok: BEGIN: CollectionDB::CollectionDB()
amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionDB::initialize()
amarok: [ThreadWeaver] Creating pthread key, exit value is 0
amarok: BEGIN: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(SqliteConfig*)
amarok: END__: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(SqliteConfig*) - Took 0.0013s
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: admin
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: SELECT value FROM admin WHERE noption = \'Database Stats Version\';
amarok: [CollectionDB] Different database stats version detected! Stats table will be updated or rebuilt.
amarok: [CollectionDB] Creating a backup of the database in /home/reg/.kde/share/apps/amarok/collection-backup.db.
amarok: [CollectionDB] Unfortunately, this only works for SQLite databases.
KCrash: Application \'amarokapp\' crashing...

My system:
suse 9.3
KDE 5.5.0 Level a updated with suse Yast.
I don\'t know what\'s going wrong but i\'m excited to see amarok 1.4 :)

Thank you for helping me. experience amarok!

cheers roN
Registered Member

Re:Amarok 1.4-beta1 report

Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:13 pm
it seems that your sqlite is not compiled correctly.
reinstall it or get the amarok-svn, which should compile the sqlite


Re:Amarok 1.4-beta1 report

Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:16 pm
rokkford wrote:
it seems that your sqlite is not compiled correctly.
reinstall it or get the amarok-svn, which should compile the sqlite

hm, where can I get amarok-svn?
Thank you!
User avatar
Registered Member

Re:Amarok 1.4-beta1 report

Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:27 pm
click on \"Download amaroK\" on the left side and you eventually will find it.


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