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scripting: How can I get Information about User language

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Code: Select all
const lang = QLocale.system().name();
it is possible to get the system language inside a amarok script. I tried to add my first translation for my script and was confused until I realized that this coding is just doing what it says. :|

At the moment it seems that Amarok language self will not be taken from the system language but from user language settings of KDE. (what is of course ok!)
Even the translation of the script.spec files will be considered from user language in the script manager, e.g.:
Code: Select all
Name[cs]=Dobrou noc

What fits to the appearance of Amarok language.

But the script self will be displayed in the language of the system not of the user.
That means if someone has a different user language the script texts (labels, messages) might be display in the wrong language.

Is there a way to get the current user language settings inside an Amarok script?

Regards Rico


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