Amarok algorythm
Hello, i really don\'t like the way amarok counts ranking of songs, that i\'m listening to it, so i writed an algorythm(bad spelling) for it, so Amarok should keep values of: VAR_PLAYCOUNT - Times song has been played VAR_LEN - Length of song in seconds VAR_PLAYTIME - Total amount of seconds, played song VAR_PLAYBYUSER - How many times user manualy played song [Algorythm] VAR_PLAYAVETIME=VAR_PLAYTIME/VAR_PLAYCOUNT; explain:averange play time of song VAR_PLAYPERCENTAGE=((VAR_PLAYBYUSER/VAR_PLAYCOUNT)*25) explain:User vs Auto song shuffle, maximum to get 25% PERCENTAGE=(((VAR_PLAYTIME/VAR_LEN)/VAR_PLAYCOUNT)*75) explain: counting how much you listen to this song, maximum to get 75% RANK=PERCENTAGE+VAR_PLAYPERCENTAGE; Sample(Python script): VAR_PLAYCOUNT=3.0;#song has been started 3 times VAR_LEN=360.0;#length of song in seconds VAR_PLAYTIME=360.0;#how much i have listened to this song VAR_PLAYBYUSER=0.0; VAR_PLAYAVETIME=VAR_PLAYTIME/VAR_PLAYCOUNT;#vidutiniskai kiek groja sekundemis def:120 VAR_PLAYPERCENTAGE=((VAR_PLAYBYUSER/VAR_PLAYCOUNT)*25) PERCENTAGE=(((VAR_PLAYTIME/VAR_LEN)/VAR_PLAYCOUNT)*75) RANK=PERCENTAGE+VAR_PLAYPERCENTAGE; print RANK; As you can see, this song will get only 25% so if we count like this: 0 40<=x<60 = *** Stars 60<=x<85 = **** Stars 85<=x ***** Stars this song will get only 2 stars, because averange time of listening is 2 minutes out of 6 plus user didn\'t started it manualy, but if he would start this song 3 times manualy out of 3 times started overall this song would get 50% and thats 3 stars |
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