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The Collectors Interface idea [MOCKUP]

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Amarok is doing a great job in playing music but it could do much better in terms of managing collections. Obliviously, there are many situations, that requires quite different solutions in terms of playing music vs managing it.

One of many topics in these forums, request for delete option from playlists, and as m0nk has pointed out, such behavior could lead to miss-deleting files.

I've been thinking about this for a while, and ended up with Collectors Interface concept. (wish #211612)

Collectors Interface would have improved browsing and finding capabilities like:
1) More advanced Filters like file format, bitrate, path, createdate, modifydate etc. Or even custom hasCover:bool

2) An advanced Filtering in Local collection Browser: Finding whole artists (or whatever is set in First level) records, if at least one matching record found. E.g. Looking Thriller would find ALL Michael Jacksons songs.
A more advanced case: filtering with “playcount:<1 age:<1” would find all new songs, recently added to database. In other words – all artists, having new songs recently added. It would be extremely handy, when dealing with duplicates after importing new music to collection. (Might be activated by a magic word in filter??)

3) A count of songs in category would be shown near Artist name under Local collection Browser E.g. Michael Jackson (12) or (12 +2) if 2 new songs recently added.

Improvements in editing:
1) Unified context menus – both Browse and playlist containers menu should have basically the same options like delete/move file, get cover, edit track details.

2) Changed default actions in context container – When dropping song(s) it should offer Edit track details/ Organize files and other actions in first view, not hiding them under More...

3) An improved custom scripts when guessing data from file names. There are very limited number of popular patterns (or users could add their own), using some regexp and database info, file names could be phrased quite precisely. E.g. splitting file name by “/” and “-” and taking look in albums and artists tables, in order determine what meta data it is.
Even if more than 1 possible matches is found, most of them could be embedded as 1-matched-patter per row in Context at drag&drop event. Easy to pick up the best, or target “Manual pattern” if none fits.

4) Double–clicking on titles/albums/etc in playlist could be converted into inputs for inline editing. Much faster than going though track details.

Minimal Look&Feel and interface changes
1) Red border around layout to give feedback – you are in CI ;)

2) Double clicking selection in Browser would replace playlist and start playing at once.

3) Autochanging Playlist layout when in CI.


What do you think about this in general? About some/any points of implementing it? Have some new ones?

P.s. Might be it should more called Collectors Mode, rather than Interface, since it doesnt change layout in general

Last edited by Lukas on Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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KDE Developer

Re: The Collectors Interface idea

Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:37 am
This would really be more useful if you could provide a mockup.

Mark Kretschmann - Amarok Developer
Registered Member

Re: The Collectors Interface idea

Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:27 pm
I'll try :)
Registered Member

Re: The Collectors Interface idea

Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:07 pm
Not the masterpiece, but i home main idea will be clear :)
Your images may only be up to 720 pixels wide. :( Anyway, whats have been done:


  • Exact finds (both Prodigy and newer than 1day) were bolded
  • related:true keyword forced Amarok to find all (in this case Prodigy) songs. Without this keyword, Amarok would find only bolded ones (assuming only these 3 were added in less then 1day).


  • You might notice 2 new widgets From file name and auto organize . Default widgets was automatically replaced by these when Collectors mode was turned on. They will be restored when turning off
  • Guess from file name widget has tried to auto-guess meta information basted on predefined patterns 2-3 best matches are displayed, others are accessible via Custom pattern....
  • In this example first is correct, 2nd - not
  • Data that will be changed is bolded. In this case Genre and some Track# will remain from id3
  • Layout
    • First line is pattern (%artist/%album-%year/%number - %title) (might be editable, so small changes could be done live???)
    • Then goes block with data that is the same for all items - title, album, etc...
    • Finally goes 2-3 examples of songs, to check if rest data is OK.
Clicking on block would call popup with table-based final editable preview. 1) Popup prevent from accidentally changing meta info, since extra accept button will be presented. 2) Final adjustments can be done.

- Inline editing for individual tracks
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KDE Developer
Thanks for the mockup.

Now for the idea, I quite honestly don't think it's a good idea to introduce a special mode for collection sorting. Neither do I think that using the Context View is ideal for this. Such things can be implemented much better with traditional widgets from Qt.

Mark Kretschmann - Amarok Developer
Registered Member
With all respect, I would like to disagree (unless I'm not aware about some methods :)).

Target of introducing Collectors Mode was to avoid jamming UI with tools and actions, that are used for managing data, also to lower the needed clicks to perform such operations.

However if most of such tasks can be done and without new modes, as said, the simpler, the better. I personally would like to keep things as simple as possible, and turn advanced tools on only then needed.

Now about points(related:true etc) itself. Any suggestions/comments?


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