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playlist mess (sort by meta-data && !@#$ grupping)

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So ... i am a little bit steamy so i will vent here some steam .. i apologize beforehand about this and i hope that it will be taken into account only logical cold facts that must (well.. i (we) have a strong wish) be repaired : the playlist is a mess !!!
(err... mandriva 2010 ; kde 4.3.2 ; amarok 2.2.1 )

1. first of all the grouping is horrendous!!! if somebody need the need for this its ok for me but why on earth is imposed on me???? it is completely flawed !!! i mean after what data the grouping is made??? is not by album nor artist for sure !!! then how and in the end why???

2. the sorting : it would be nice to have columns that could be sorted by a single toggle. the set of columns would be nice to be customizable and by this i mean to have posibility to save different sets of columns.

3. it seems that i hit a bug with meta-data editing : trying to edit meta-data i cannot delete the track number thou i can delete and modify all other fields. it happens when i delete the number and (save and close button is not activated by this) changing the field put the number back!
it is maddening.

4. control over what is shown in playlist : i don't want to see all freaking information !!! i just want the artist and title ! that all! the fact that this cannot be changed also is maddening!

5. also it seems that this is a bug : i changed the path to my music. when i tried to setup the new collection i have a stuck (-) on the root path of previous location of my music. it cannot be removed by clicking .. just oscillates between (x) and (-)

Did anyone else seen (and have) this problems? Is it worth it to submit bug reports about this individual problems?

Thanks and thanks to kde team for their great work!
Registered Member
hmmm ... i dont remember when i felt so stupid in my entire life!!!! i just discovered the Playlist layouts button right under the playlist :( .. my bad and i apologize.
Maybe that button or functionality should be more at hand .. in the upper part of playlist as a button in right part of line with sort criteria ?
One more thing would be to have some (variable by hand) markers for the width of the columns ..



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