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ID3-Tags stored with wrong permission in MySQL-dB?

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KDE Developer
I am couple of minutes from boarding an aircraft, so please excuse my brief reply.

You system as it is right now is in an incosistent state, parts of the packages are at a newer version and the other part is not, that leads to your problem.
To fix it try
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get remove libqtcore4 libqt4-core
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

This should remove everything that is using Qt (so, also all of KDE) and then reinstall the entire kubuntu-desktop (user settings remain untouched).

Annoyed with bbcode since 1999.
Registered Member
(Almost) everything is running again !!!

I want to thank you a lot ! I really don't know what leads to success; the last few hours i tried:
in the chroot-Environment the valoriez-Command-Sequence without success,
the break-through came when i tried (similar problem answered in post #9 )
Code: Select all
sudo rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin
sudo dpkg -configure -a

the 'sudo apt-get -f install kubuntu-desktop' came still with a lot of unresolved dependancies, was stopped; then i booted my System on Harddisk, went in the terminal; the last try was sudo aptitude, repairing the packages as suggested by aptitude
then i did the sequence (found at and your last recommandation)
Code: Select all
sudo -s -H
apt-get clean
deleted and renewed the dirs
apt-get clean
apt-get update
apt-get -f install kubuntu-desktop

So, let me know, if i can contribute anything back to the community
(my trials at translating digiKam Quickstart were a modest beginning but i didn't find the right proceedings getting involved in a german translator-team)
Btw: Amarok is now running in Version 2.4.0, it was the starting point of that long journey.
My most used note-taking application BasKet (also handling KNotes) has to be reinstalled, Firefox came with an old-fashioned (Java-like) Theme.
Now i can keep staying tuned to Kubuntu
Have a nice trip, Apachelogger


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