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propose your idea

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Re: propose your idea

Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:27 am
Hmmmm... Interesting. As far as I can see from the links above, Unity's GUI doesn't actually seem to do most of the game logic itself, rather it passes off to scripting:
Scripting is an essential part of Unity as it defines the behaviour of your game.

The interface does look remarkably similar to 3d creation apps (Maya and Blender in particular). I just hope we don't re-invent the wheel with modeling / animation / texturing etc. Current 3d apps do these very well. A good game engine (logic, asset management, physics, controls etc) controlled by an easy to use GUI is what would be revolutionary.

If artists can't use a tool without being a coder first, you end up with a technically impressive set of tools, but rarely any games. Take a look at the Crystal Space "Finished Games" forum to see what I mean. Compare that to Blender Artist's "Finished Games" forum. Look at the dates on both.

All I'm asking is: Whatever you do, please, please, please remember to design Gluon so artists can use it, too!
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Re: propose your idea

Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:36 am
Basically, we need to get the basics working first, and visual programming must come later - but inside the basics you find a very vital part, which is the exposure of the scripts' properties in the UI. Eventually this could lead up to a signal/slot type system, which is very much like what Blender does

And don't worry: The basic design of Gluon MUST work for any kind of artist in a game development production, and that obviously includes graphic and audio artists (programmers in this are artists too, lest you forget it ;) ). If we don't do that, put simply, Gluon would have no reason for existing :) Then it would just be another LÖVE ;)

..Dan // Leinir..
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Re: propose your idea

Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:43 am
I don't think it's reinventing the wheel. First of all, there is no such game creation development environment for/written in Qt/KDE. Secondly, Gluon Creator is going to be built around Gluon (the library). I doubt there's anything built around Gluon already ;) . And lastly, as you have said, current 3d apps do these well (though probably debatable, and probably not in the Unity-like way :P). Gluon's KGL is primarily 2D (with a 3D class being planned by DrIDK as you also have read). These factors alone make Gluon Creator quite unique.

And I'm very sure that leinir will insist to death that it be usable for non-programmers most especially. So I think there's very little to worry about :)

Jucato, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct.
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Re: propose your idea

Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:51 am
Cool. Thanks guys. Just making sure. Oh and:

(programmers in this are artists too, lest you forget it ;) )

Absolutely. Just like visual artists are "visual emotion programmers"! ;)


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