Registered Member
Hi everyone, i want to know is there exist a possibility to assign hotkeys to the favorite brushes presets like mypaint?
thanks and have a good digital painting! |
KDE Developer
No, not yet. It's a good idea, but we have to think a bit on how to do that, since we're already running short on hotkeys!
Registered Member
I would suggest the MyPaint way.
Ctrl+ number (1-9) saves brush under this keyboard number. So I always have most usefull brushes under 1-5 keys. |
KDE Developer
Hm, even those number keys are already used! We're using more or less the same setup as blender there, for instance '5' resets rotation/
Registered Member
Just a fast workaround ; you can add preset to the right-click "on canvas palette" , on the toolbar "Save to palette" button to customize witch preset you want to see in it. It surely not the same as the Mypaint way, but it may help in case you didn't saw this feature. @Boud : I think 10 slots as in Mypaint are a bit too much compare to the real usage and mind capacity to remind where are the preset saved. Here I use only 3 or 4 of them. So, maybe there is room for only 1 2 3 4 ? What you ( Jramirez and JoseConseco ) think about it ? |
Registered Member
Deevad - It is ok. For me most used functions should have to easiest to perform hot-keys combination. And definitely I use much more brush switching that canvas rotation. So even replacing canvas rotation hotkeys with brush switching ones would be ok imo.
Registered Member
And whats wrong with a right click GENIUS menu? Shortcuts are very cool, but in this case I cant see how I need them. Right click on pen is fast, gives visual feedback so you dont have actually remember each number. If it ain't broke don't fix Krita has so much more problems for now. Just my two cents.
Registered Member
nezumi - I would probably agree that right click for brush selector is ok if I haven't used MyPaint with numeric hotkeys - they are quite a bit faster, and if you use it often this add up into faster workflow. And remembering 4 brushes is really not a problem. I would suggets using MyPaint for 20minutes with hotkeyed brushed to see it for yourself.
KDE Developer
Hm... Using 1..4, if they aren't used already, could work, I guess.
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