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Lasso tool in Krita needs improvement in precision.

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Aman Shah
Registered Member
First of all,Hi to everyone.
I am a new user of Krita and I like it a lot.
The only problem with it is the Lasso tool.My only request is to rework on lasso tool.Itsnot as precise as the lasso tool in Sketchbook Pro or adobe photoshop .Lasso selection action should be made as in Sketchbook or photoshop.
Otherwise,its the best sketching and painting app you can ever get it as of now.Its much better than GIMP!
(I have already raised this request in other section of the forum,but got no response as of now,so I am posting this here.)
Please consider my request in next versions of Krita.
I want to use Krita for car designing with all views of the car detailing,as well as want to use it for documenting my inventions or ideas in a neat way.

Last edited by Aman Shah on Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
KDE Developer
I have just increased the precesion of the tool, so that should be fixed in the future.

Usually Krita developers just look on this part of the forum, so if you post somewhere else that might be lost. In case you encounter a problem/bug, you should report that as a bug as that is much easier to track.
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Aman Shah
Registered Member
slangkamp wrote:I have just increased the precesion of the tool, so that should be fixed in the future.

Usually Krita developers just look on this part of the forum, so if you post somewhere else that might be lost. In case you encounter a problem/bug, you should report that as a bug as that is much easier to track.

Thanks a lot!
I will keep me updated over the progress.
My advice would be lasso tool should be similar to that available in Sketchbook Pro or Adobe photoshop.Then it would work really well.
Sometimes,we do a really complicated selection in car designing or product designing and you do need a good selection tool.The small squares which appear along the path of selection do not work out for precision.The selection should appear as moving discontinuous and thin line curves with small spacing.

You might wonder why lasso tool is necessary in painting and sketching as krita is made for sketching and painting and not for Photoediting ,but in reality,for product designers,it is one of the most important feature,without which its not possible to give proper shading to side view profiles of car designs.The technique used by car designers to give light effects or shading to side profile is to use lasso tool and apply light airbrush with little transparency,over it.That is why,Lasso tool is important for doing special real life effects.So having good lasso tool is equally important in Krita.
Krita Touch is open Source Software,which can become best sketching software,because it is governed by demands and needs of community.So I am representing car designing community who wants to use Krita for their professional work.

Adobe photoshop offers the same large image size capability as that of GIMP and krita,but what makes Krita or GIMP superior is the excellent strokes which is offered in krita for even very thin lines.When I try to draw all the profile views of a car in one large canvas,Photoshop feels very primitive and the strokes appear as if some small boy has done some funny car designs.This is what separates Krita from Typical Photoediting softwares and this is what makes Krita unique.
GIMP has also similar problems with the lasso selection tool which also lacks precision.
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Aman Shah
Registered Member
I would definately call Inaccuracy of Lasso tool in Krita 2.5.9 as a design fault or a big design bug.In fact Improper lasso tool is forcing me to buy Howler PD or ACD Pro See which do not come even close to Krita when it comes to the quality of Strokes.Certainly these other softwares have only good Lasso tool.Qualitatively they are not worth the money we pay to buy them.

The only round way as a alternative option is to use Krita 2.5.9 for sketching and use ACD Pro see or Howler PD for lasso selection on new layer and airbrushing to give shades or light effects.Certainly this is time consuming to save,close your artwork and open the same in other Application simply to use lasso tool and to give shading effects as needed.
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Aman Shah
Registered Member
Hi everyone here!
Does any body knows,when Krita 2.6 is going to launched for windows?Its temptating to try it.Especially the improved lasso tool is temptating to try.
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KDE Developer
2.6 will be released in January, and I'm working on installers (one built with msvc, one with mingw), but I cannot promise an exact date.
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Aman Shah
Registered Member
Other than lasoo tool,what new improvements or feature are possible to see in Krita 2.6?

I know that Krita is specifically designed for painting and sketching,but since both Krita and GIMP have a common problem in Lasso tool selections,I have posted this : ... -precision
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Aman Shah
Registered Member
Here are some pics of car designing,so Krita developers will get some more idea,what Car designers want!These are not my sketches.My sketches are not yet revealed because I as of now dream to take it to production,better kept secret. ... 295212916/

In few pics,you would notice many different profile views of car designs on one single canvas.

Here are three most interesting pics in the Same Flickr set:

I find this interesting:
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Aman Shah
Registered Member
Hi everyone,
A Demo video is more sufficient than words.
I request every Krita developer or every car designer to have a look at this video:

This will explain the importance of a good Lasso tool in car designing.
Not only this,this is a must for any aspiring car designer.
Hello,just today I used for the first time a tool described as for selecting a Contiginous area/region by Color , in Krita 2.5.9.
It's really useful and thanks for introducing it in Krita.It replaces 25 percent of my usage of Lasso tool. :)
But still nothing replaces need of a Precision Lasso tool completely in Krita 2.5.9.
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Aman Shah
Registered Member
Thumbs Up!!!!!!
Krita 2.6 does it quiet well.. :) though "some more changes in Lasso tool is definately desired."

Improvements in the lasso tool in 2.6:
1) Unique point Cursor shape so that even if you use mouse,you can accurately input.Not everyone will realise this.
2)Excellent Cursor accuracy over the line being drawn with respect to stylus.
3) Add/Substarction selection feature has become more precise and easier to use.

8) Very very desired and Important Suggestion:

Why it is so that the thickness of the selection line varries from thin to thick as speed increases?
The thicknes of the selection line should not varry as speed increases.
The lasso tool performs well at low speeds. 8)

In all,I thank Krita developers,especially not to forget the contribution of Slangkmp.

Last edited by Aman Shah on Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:25 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Aman Shah
Registered Member
Hi everybody.
I am very sure some Forum members will be scared about my technique as a highly Precise alternative to Lasso tool.
Well I have found a technique with the help of tool described as "select a continuous area of colors."
(A topic of interest to photoediting people.)

1) I set cursor as 3D brush Model.
2)I select brush named " pixel 1" and set size (of brush) as 1.20.
I keep the brush sub type as Gausian Brush.
3)Select a new layer on a car design profile.
4) Use this pixel level brush as Lasso tool.
5)click on the alpha symbol for all below layers.
6)Make a new layer again and Click on tool described as "select a continuous area of colors."Then click on the area marked by the brush tool.
7)Delete or hide the layer on which brush was used as a lasso tool and click on the alpha mode on all below layers.
8) Finally,Paint or apply texture on the selection appeared.

Although this is a slightly a bit tedious alternative,it has an added advantage over a lasso selection:
If you save the outline of the selection as a hidden layer,you can anytime make it visible and edit the selection and once again do step 6,7 and 8.


Only due to this alternative technique,I have ticked my this particular thread on lasso tool problem as resolved.Otherwise,I would not have deemed it to be cent percent solved.
Registered Member
Aman Shah wrote:First of all,Hi to everyone.
I am a new user of Krita and I like it a lot.
The only problem with it is the Lasso tool.My only request is to rework on lasso tool.Itsnot as precise as the lasso tool in Sketchbook Pro or adobe photoshop .Lasso selection action should be made as in Sketchbook or photoshop.
Otherwise,its the best sketching and painting app you can ever get it as of now.Its much better than GIMP!
(I have already raised this request in other section of the forum,but got no response as of now,so I am posting this here.)
Please consider my request in next versions of Krita.
I want to use Krita for car designing with all views of the car detailing,as well as want to use it for documenting my inventions or ideas in a neat way.

Krita is the best.. I like it too.. :)


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