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Hi 2.8 is marked as stable release and I thought, it would be a nice idea to list our wishes for next release 2.9. I don't believe all wishes will be in 2.9, it's even possible they are not in any future version but, letting developers and other painters know what we are after while working will help inspire innovation.
To make a wish and make it count its necessary to report them at https://bugs.kde.org/. Describe what you are after with enough detail but be brief and concise. A good idea is to create a graphic to show what exactly your wish is about, or even better a nice blogpost about it. Share your wildest wishes and of course be open to discussion ![]() Update: Made a list of all wishes made to have a better overall view of what's happening in this thread and other places at krita. Notice: there are a lot more things being worked than the ones listed here. Also, almost all wishes are written exactly as the original autor published it. Core dev team is working pretty hard to make next version of krita awesome. However resources are scarse and the main priorities for 2.9 are stated in this list: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-kimageshop&m=139280430014719&w=2 The list items (shortened): * MDI interface (more than one document loaded in one window). * Mask handling: creating and converting masks is not as easy as it should be. * Selection handling: * Line quality: Better anti-alias especially thin lines. * Better performance of the color correction system * Improve Text and vector tools. * The dirty brush proposal and related preset handling issues Other stuff beign worked: Shivaraman is working on Deevad's perspective grid proposal: http://shivaramanaiyer.wordpress.com/2014/03/05/new-perspective-tool-for-krita/ Wishes: Fixed in master * [FILTERS] - GMIC filters work on selections and not just on whole layers https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=325771 * [UI / UX] - Option to scale palette colour thumbnails https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=327896 Reported * [COLOR] - Full L.a.b support-all layer modes and filters work predictably https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=254784 * [LAYERS] - Ability to select multiple layers https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=285420 * [TOOLS] - Bezier warp tool-current warp is cool but gives 'polygonal' look many times and its very difficult to get lens distortion like effects https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=300799 * [TOOLS] - Separate pressure curves for Opacity and Flow https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=297971 * [TOOLS] Allow transform operations on assistants https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=331790 * [TOOLS] Allow perspective assistant to expand on perspective. https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=331787 * [TOOLS] Add a shortcut to toggle assistant snap. https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=331791 * [TOOLS] Add more assistant shapes. Animtim made a better suggestion in this bug report https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=314133 Open for discussion. * [FILTERS] - Cutout Filter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8_YaaRpVKY * [FILTERS] - GIMP scaling algorithms (NoHalo, LoHalo , etc. algorithms.) http://www.gimpusers.com/tutorials/what ... -gimp-2-10 * [FILTERS / UX] - GMIC filters preview. Status: Gmic filters are slow, which makes implementing tricky. * [FILTERS] - Add filter layers for transform operations. * [LAYERS] - Possibility of using the "deform brush" recursively with entire folders, not only with single layers. * [TOOLS] - Distort Transformation tool * [TOOLS] - Advance Perspective deform Grid: (Example Verve Painter: http://youtu.be/PBO2hNv_tTE?t=10m51s) * [TOOLS / UX] - Ability to save warp presets-FishEye and Inflate,etc. * [TOOLS / UX] - Bigger swatches option for brushes tip often make one preset and then just change the brushtip, like for trees or rocks,etc. (Perhaps a docker of brush tips?) * [UI / UX] - Option to adjust thumbnails size in "Brushes" docker. * [UI / UX] - Possibility of saving menu settings, so you can load them again if we change something by mistake. * [UI / UX] - disabling the software ability to lay down brush strokes when you're using your fingers on the canvas! * [BRUSH] - streamlined brush system.(The inability to easily create and store brushes is one of the biggest hindrance with Krita). * [MASKS] - Current difficulty to change size of a selection (frequently the cursor changes constantly between the different options), I mean be able to previously set the action we want to perform (sometimes it changes to "distorsion" and It becomes a little hard change to "size change"). And some bugs that definitively are going to be posponed for future Krita versions, 3.x * [FORMATS] - Dependable import of SVGs-no crashes Cheers!
Last edited by ghevan on Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
Blog http://colorathis.wordpress.com, Deviantart http://ghevan.deviantart.com/
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
There's also this thread: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-kimageshop& ... 014719&w=2
Where we are discussing the 2.9 roadmap. Not everything will be possible, and my main goal is to finish merge the MVC branch (more than one image in a single window). Apart from that, it's a matter of what is needed worst, which issues are impacting productivity most. For a sneak preview, see http://libregraphicsworld.org/blog/entr ... 8-released -- it has a screenshot ![]() After 2.9 comes 3.0, and that should be the Qt5 port. |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
What does the QT5 port entails?
I heard it would bring android support but I guess there are other reasons. |
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Multiple documents would be nice. I assume this would fix current problems with multiple view for a single document.
As for priority I would put my bet on Mask handling and Selection Handling. Performance would be my number 3 and MDI my number 4. As for text and vector tools I think they need to integrate better with paint layers, work as live masks and be able to easily get a selection from a vector layer. On text I normally switch to Inkscape to handle it.
Blog http://colorathis.wordpress.com, Deviantart http://ghevan.deviantart.com/
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Accidentally I have found that little, free software called Verve Painter. One thing in particular is VERY intriguing (apart of absolutely amazing, animated paint mixing - just see the whole movie or even better download that tiny software and try for yourself!) and I wonder if that would be possible in Krita (probably with many vanishing points). The way perspective grid is implemented:
http://youtu.be/PBO2hNv_tTE?t=10m51s Would that be possible to include in Krita? Maybe even author could help - its a free experiment not a big company so who knows. Links to download program are in video description. |
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First of all a big thank you to the people behind the matrix numbers (Boud, Dimitry, ...) for this great software! I am using just Krita for most of my digital paintings now, except if I need to do something with many layers and transformations, where Krita gets a bit unpractical or laggy.
Nezumi, thanks for the link, this is very interesting piece of software. It is like Z BRUSH but only with 2.5d tools (the "3d", fluid paint) and a 3d mesh that acts as a perspective grid and painting guide. Although it would be awesome, I have the feeling that with a setting like this would be very hard to work in large images, except if you own a very powerful machine. |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
Including the effect in Krita likely would be tricky -- this looks like it's entirely done in opengl, with the image data also being on the graphics card memory. Not sure about how hard the perspective grid would be to do, Shivaraman is in any case still working on Deevad's original perspective grid proposal: http://shivaramanaiyer.wordpress.com/20 ... for-krita/. Let's get that done first
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Nezumi thanks for the input. A perspective tool/grid/assistant with that kind of manipulation would be awesome! Im not sure how feasible would be for devs to do in the near future, but definitively seems like a good direction to strive for. (Lens distortion, I wan't that!)
Boud: Agreed, lets make the perspective grid tool more appealing and easier to use.
Blog http://colorathis.wordpress.com, Deviantart http://ghevan.deviantart.com/
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Ha, I didnt knew that this proposal is being programmed at all. It also is very good thing so I agree - finish what already is started. Just PLEASE make those lines thin
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![]() Registered Member ![]()
Similar one: it would be nice to have an option to adjust thumbnails size in "Brushes" docker.
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That would be really something cool. |
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Good ideas. :]
@portnov Current 2.9 makes it possible to adjust size of palette swatches size. Not by pixel number but in steps. using CTRL + mouseWheel over the swatches view. About presets size. As far as master goes, brush presets icon size grows or shrink depending on how many presets visible. So after filtering with a tag to get fewer brushes, preset grow considerably. However, it seems the re-size trigger happens only after explicitly resizing the dockers width.
Blog http://colorathis.wordpress.com, Deviantart http://ghevan.deviantart.com/
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Hello everybody,
I think version 2.8 is really fantastic (it's the first version I tried), but if I could do a wish list for 2.9 (if you don't mind)... here it goes... ![]() - Possibility of saving menu settings, so you can load them again if we change something by mistake. - Current difficulty to change size of a selection (frequently the cursor changes constantly between the different options), I mean be able to previously set the action we want to perform (sometimes it changes to "distorsion" and It becomes a little hard change to "size change"). - Possibility of using the "deformation brush"? (I can't remember if this is the correct name, probably not) with entire folders, not only with single layers. May be something of this is already possible and it's just my fault I don't know how to do it.. in this case my apologies. PS, I've just noticed there is a 2.8.1 version!... downloading! |
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About palette swatches - nice, it works! ![]() About presets. Maybe it would be simpler to just handle ctrl+wheel similar as for palette? Need to resize docker after filtering is... odd ![]() |
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