We need some feedback on improving the design and artist experience for a new community site.
We are currently in the works of developing a site that can manage community related things: artwork, brush packs, bundles, fonts, templates, color profiles, etc. We are using a platform called opendesktop.org
The current work in progress krita site is here: share.krita.org
Visit the site to check out how it works and looks. On the Opendesktop.org About page, this is their statement about what this application is for "Started in 2001, openDesktop.org is one of the largest communities where developers and artists share applications, themes and other content."
Talking with one of the developers, they mentioned DeviantArt as an example of one of their inspirations. Can people take a look at the site and give some feedback. What is good? What could use some improvements if this was being used for Krita stuff? What do you think artists would want that when they are sharing content?
Site look great, good idea of having one site for software resources, I like it!
But there's one thing I hate, this one is a major annoying web design mistakes that plagues the internet from the beginning of existing - low number of items displayed per page and having constantly to click "next" button to move forward. Number of items per page - 10. Increase it to infinite (endless scrolling with automatic loading), or at least 100. Also I hope that there will be some kind of quality control, so it isn't bloated by low effort stuff. This unfortunately happens in a lot of content sharing sites and makes harder to find good stuff. Also require submitters to post proper screenshots of their resources. I saw a brush pack, where the only preview is a small thumbnail, not good.
After it's done there should be a button to go to it on the top bar of the Official site and in terms of design and all, it should look like the normal site too, that way it all feels really connected to each other and it's a more friendly approach for every user. I feel like that way more people would try it, I say this because I feel like the forum isn't very well exposed to the public. Sorry if I said some nonsense or didn't help very much.
This sounds very interesting! I took a look the current site a noticed pretty much the same problems that others did. With those in mind, I decided to try and make my own draft of a more compact design.
I think this %-based score system is pretty interesting, but the total number of votes has to be displayed somewhere as well so that users know how many people actually checked the product out. Also, I don't really like the "3 Month Ranking" panel. I'd favor a "Currently Trending" panel instead, where every time the page loads (or maybe just every couple of hours) the site goes through a list of products that have gotten a significant number of "upvotes" in the past week or so, and selects a handful at random to display on the frontpage. This help to promote more creators than just the absolute top.
As for features I'd like to see implemented, here's my list:
Freetext Tags: While a few general categories might be useful (Pictures, Resource Packs, Templates, etc.) I believe it's a lot better to use tags that you type in manually, the kind of tags Tumblr uses, rather than clicking through a number of categories to assign your "products" to. Perhaps there might be a selection of mandatory ones you have to pick from in order to specify sfw, nsfw, gore, and so on.
Filters: The ability to filter out certain tags so that images with the tag won't show up as a thumbnail, or get covered by a censor. A necessity, if you ask me.
Following; If you come across a creator who's content you really enjoy and would like to keep up with, "following" them means that you'd get a notification whenever they uploading something or you would have it displayed at it's own section on the front page.
Favorites: Simply a mean of collecting all your favorite content in a single category or page so that you are able to easily find them again later.
I take it the current content is just placeholder stuff? (because lot of it has nothing to do with krita...)
I agree the comments above... and add a little one concerning categories.. do we really need font category? I mean, there are plenty of fonts sites out there, and they are not really Krita specific...
Looks okay so far, except for one thing: the right column is considerably taller than the other two on the left, which means that you have a ton more scolling to do if you want to see what's on it. That column should never go beyond the page number index at the bottom and its size should be determined by the size of the middle content column instead.
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